Duel Off ON GS-CS

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
I see that many ppl asking for developers to make command switch off Duel on GS-CS.

Just open ServerInfo,dat & set NonPK = 1. This options disable Duel Too.
Re: [Guide] Duel Off ON GS-CS

If You do that , Both Attackers and Defenders in Siege time won't do damage to each others :)..
Re: [Guide] Duel Off ON GS-CS

Yeah, but it could be good start since you might fake CS_GS to think he is non-pvp when checking duel...but in real it would be pvp.
Re: [Guide] Duel Off ON GS-CS

Thanks man.
For those who want to enable CastleSiege just use 1GS and 2GSCS. And set the req maps in MapServerInfo so Loren will be on first GSCS and CryWolf will be on the second.

Only for those who REALLY want to stop the duel :P
Re: [Guide] Duel Off ON GS-CS

; Duel
FNRIsDuel = 0 ;Switch

thx to goeh