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Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT)

Mar 29, 2019
Reaction score
This process only works on 32bit Clients, unless you figure out how to restore dungeon gpks in 64bit clients. If so, please let us know.

This guide also assumes you use novadrop to pack/unpack the datacenter file.

Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

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Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

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Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

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Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

Server Side


<Npc instanceId="8401203" desc="Temple of Temerity Teleportal" memberId="0" npcTemplateId="1203" ai="100" randomPos="false" spawnCount="1" pos="-10864.52734375,10500.041015625,4466" offsetZ="0" dir="95" respawnTime="90000" isAggressiveMonster="false" viewRadius="200" viewAngle="360" alertRadius="400" alertAngle="360" aggroSendToClanDistance="300" aggroSendToPartyDistance="400" aggroSendToTerritory="" aggroReceiveOnlyInSight="false" aggroIgnorePartyId="" aggroShareGroupId="0" escapeLocation="0.0000,0.0000,0.0000" isReturn="true" conditionalSpawn="false" returnDistance="2000" questPatrol="false" peaceStateNoMoving="false" cautionStateNoMoving="false" voidSpawn="false" respawnRandomTime="20000" moveInTerritory="true" popupMsg="" msgProb="0.000000" msgInterval="0">
     <PatrolList type="default" socialDuration="0" randomSocial="false"/>
     <SocialSet checkInterval="0" probSocial="0.000000"/>


Edit or add the following content if not exist.

<Constraint isActive="true" requiredActPoint="0" continentId="9082" huntingZoneId="482" coolTimeForSupportMatching="60,30" coolTime="120" coolTimeForPartyMatching="120" coolTimeForAccountTrait="120,60" coolTimeForPartyMatchingForAccountTrait="120,60" /> <!-- Temple of Temerity -->

Create a file with the name 048221.quest and put the following text inside. Remember to put that file inside of QuestData folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Quest id="48221">
    <스토리그룹Id />
    <DesignersNote />
      <영주길드 />
      <길드레벨 />
    <시작아이템 />
    <퀘스트버프 />
    <퀘스트버프버튼Text />
    <Task id="1">
        <위치 x="40" y="70" />
        <다음Task />
        <완료시삽입아이템 />
        <완료시삭제아이템 />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<QuestCompensationData huntingZoneId="482">
  <Quest questId="48221">
     <Compensation compensationId="1">
      <CompensationType type="normal" exp="0" gold="0" itemBag="allpay" memo="" policyPoint="" npcGuildId="" reputationExp="" reputationPoint="">
        <Item templateId="355" quantity="1" /><!--Transference Serum-->


Uncoment this entry or add it if not exist,

<TeleportList id="841203">
    <Teleport uniqueId="8412032" desc="Temple of Temerity" stringId="@rgn:9082001" continentId="9082" pos="38369,-146192,-305" dir="" distance="10"/>


Make sure the following entry exist

<Villager id="84,1203">
        <Menu type="PartyMatching" id="1"/>
        <Menu type="Teleport" id="841203"/>

Client Side


Create a new Quest file following your number of quest, so if you have til Quest-02531.xml then create a new file named Quest-02532.xml and so on, then put the following text on it,

<Quest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/Quest Quest.xsd" id="48221" xmlns="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/Quest">
              <길드레벨 />
              <영주길드 />
            <스토리그룹Id />
            <집회소분류 />
            <Task id="1">
                    <다음Task />

StrSheet_Quest folder

Same instruction as before, create a new StrSheet_Quest...file and put the following content on it

<StrSheet_Quest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/StrSheet_Quest StrSheet_Quest.xsd" xmlns="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/StrSheet_Quest">
    <String id="48221001" string="Protecting the Goodies" />
    <String id="48221002" string="Have you met Feilia?" />
    <String id="48221003" string="Use it wisely!" />
    <String id="48221004" string="&quot;Thanks!&quot;" />
    <String id="48221005" string="Ask Feilia about the Cataclysm Machine. Return to Teldun to receive some Bailey Serum." />

QuestDialog folder

Same instruction as before, create a new QuestDialog...file and put the following content on it

<QuestDialog xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/QuestDialog QuestDialog.xsd" id="21" huntingZoneId="482" voiceTypeId="0" xmlns="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/QuestDialog">
  <Text huntingZoneId="0" id="1" prevId="0" villagerId="0" />
  <Text huntingZoneId="482" id="100" prevId="0" villagerId="1502">
    <Page social="0" />
  <Text huntingZoneId="482" id="2" prevId="0" villagerId="1502">
    <Page social="4">"What endangers the relics? Why do the monsters hate them so? What protects them? Will you protect them?&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;I've developed a serum that will transfer the relic's protection to you. Do you want some Transference Serum?&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;I'll prepare you a batch of serum. Do you know when to use it? &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;Did you think this was the only difficulty you'll face? While I work on this, why not ask Feilia to explain the Cataclysm Machine?"</Page>
  <Text huntingZoneId="482" id="3" prevId="2" villagerId="1502">
    <Page social="4">"The serum is ready. Will you put it to good use? It's not easy to make, so don't waste it."</Page>

StrSheet_Dungeon folder

Now with the help of notepad++(or similar tool), search the following text

String id="5000"

and replace the font size from 120 to 50

Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

This last step is to get this...

Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

...instead of this

Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

Area (MiniMap)

With the help of notepad++(or similar tool), search for continentId="9082" in your Area folder, edit and put the following content on it.

<Area xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/Area Area.xsd" id="482" continentId="9082" areaName="EX_ATW_A_SD_P" nameId="9082001" pcMoveCylinder="true" protect="false" ride="false" worldMapGuardId="18" worldMapWorldId="9999" xmlns="https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/Area">
      <Section id="2" worldMapSectionId="9082" nameId="9082001" huntingZoneId="-1" pk="false" vender="false" desTex="false" addMaxZ="500.000000" subtractMinZ="1000.000000" protect="false" priority="1" campId="0" ride="false" pcMoveCylinder="true" restBonus="false" floor="1">
        <Fence pos="36422.6563,-145014.3125,-330.1738" />
        <Fence pos="37075.4844,-149291.8906,-337.9500" />
        <Fence pos="38455.7266,-149387.4531,-303.6474" />
        <Fence pos="38877.3984,-148674.2656,-13.3121" />
        <Fence pos="38862.8047,-148331.9531,-21.2661" />
        <Fence pos="39237.4688,-143176.5000,-297.6443" />
        <Fence pos="37759.2578,-142258.8438,-210.2058" />
        <Fence pos="36352.0547,-143195.4219,-330.7369" />

Archgeus - Dungeon Restoration | Temple of Temerity (ToT) - RaGEZONE Forums

Last update: 19/05/2023


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