Each Server That I Wil Play I Get This (Picture)

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
Look at this and i have chaged the Realmlist >.<''
truth - Each Server That I Wil Play I Get This (Picture) - RaGEZONE Forums

O my God Plz Help Me :)
looks like the version you are trying to use is the burning crusade you will need to get 2.0.1 to play on a 2.0.1 server like kobold v3
looks like the version you are trying to use is the burning crusade you will need to get 2.0.1 to play on a 2.0.1 server like kobold v3

Yup, anytime you see that message= client does not work with the server you are trying to connect to.

Ask the person whos server it is what client it supports.
i have noticed the server u were trying to connect to was... v.2.0.6:6224

like the other guyz said V.2.0.1
Does Someone Have A link Of A Good 2.0.1 Server And Its 24/7 ?
well i could but im advertising and also..... i havn't got my server fully operationall.... but it would be on 24/7 later on....
well i could but im advertising and also..... i havn't got my server fully operationall.... but it would be on 24/7 later on....

ty for the help u are a good poster :D :police:
Hmm... You could just PM him a link to the server. That's ABSOLUTELY allowed :P I don't know of any decent 2.0.1 servers other than my own, but it's still in heavy development. There is 1 I know of though: HSWoW Not to brilliant, but oh well...