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Easy L2J Setup howto guide L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2007
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To easily setup a L2J server, you will need...

L2J (I used L2Jfree, )
xampp ( )
Java Runtime Environment ( )
Lineage 2 CT2 Gracia Part 2 client ( )
Fyyre's No GameGuard patch ( )

What this guide assumes:

That the reader can thoroughly and completely read instructions in english
The reader has average to above average computer science skills
The reader is using Windows XP (Haven't tried this in Vista, but will all respects, it should still work)
The reader has downloaded ALL of the items above.
The reader has an unzip utility like WinZIP.

Okay let's get started! First off you're going to need to install xampp. This handy software is a preconfigured group of opensource web server softwares apache, mysql, phpmyadmin, and many others. Default options are fine, but when the installer asks you to install apache and mysql as services, say NO! I've had some very big issues with the service installer not working properly and having to reinstall xampp.

Next install the Java Runtime Environment. Default options are fine.

Now extract (unzip) the loginserver and gameserver zip files to your l2j server. Now make a folder called "l2j" (without the quotations). Put both extracted folders inside it and move the entire folder to C:\. Open l2jfree-gameserver then tools. Right click database_installer.bat. Select "Edit".

Now a Notepad window should pop up. Find the line that says "set mysqlBinPath=". Now type in the path to the folder where xampp installed "mysql.exe". It will be (where you installed xampp)\mysql\bin. Like mine is in C"\xampp\mysql\bin. Save and close notepad.

BEFORE anything else start the Xampp control panel. Hit the start button for both Apache and Mysql. You don't need to worry about Filezilla or Mercury. Now go back and run the database_installer.bat. Type "f" (without quatations) for full install. When it asks you the yes or no question type "n" (without quotations) and hit enter.

Now go back to l2j-loginserver then the dist folder. Open the RegisterGamerServer.bat. When it asks for an option hit 1 then enter. CAUTION: This will make a server with the default name Bartz. If you are like me and dislike that name and want to pick another, You may type in a different number. if you do use a number other than 1, you need to open your webbrowser and navigate to . Click the item l2jdb on the left. On the list on the left, look for "gameservers". Click on it. Hit the Browse tab on the top of the main page. Click the pencil icon next to the server listed. Now you change the hex_id to the SAME number you typed in RegisterGameServer.bat. Click save, and then close the browser.

Now copy or cut the hexid txt file and navigate to the l2jfree-gameserver folder and then to dist then to config. Paste the hexid txt file there and rename it to take out the parentheses and the number. When you are done the file should be called hexid.txt.

Now go to the config folder and open up server.properties with notepad. Make sure your External and Internal IPs are This makes the server only accessable to the player on the same PC as the server. IF you want to make it open to other computers on your Local Area Network, open up cmd.exe. Type in "ipconfig" and hit enter. Generally your LAN IP will be 192.168.1.XXX (only numbers instead of X's). Put this in your External IP instead of If you want your server to be accessible to people on the internet, you need to find your Wide Area Network IP address. is an excellent site for this. Put whatever it tells you as your External IP. If you're behind a router and you want to use your WAN IP, you will need to forward the ports. There's plenty of guides on that. Save and close when finished

Now go to the l2j-loginserver folder then dist, then config. Open up Loginserver.properties and edit the IPs to match your gameserver's. Once your finished, save and close.

Now is the moment of truth. Start up startloginServer.bat in l2j-loginserver/dist and startGameServer.bat in l2jfree-gameserver/dist. Wait for them to finish their start up, and you should see on the gameserver one as "registered as XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Bartz" (the X's being your IP). If this does NOT happen, you have to go back and figure out what went wrong. If you do indeed get this far, congrats, your server is functional!

Now install the Lineage 2 client. Default options are fine. Once it's finished open the the L2 launcher and let it update. Updating may take a while so you can probably find something else to do while it works.

Once it's finished, close the client down altogether. Now extract the nogg patch you got earlier. Copy the core.dll and the engine.dll and paste them in C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system folder. You might want to back up the originals first.

Lastly open C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in notepad

Add the following line: l2auth.lineage2.com

save and close.

Now go back to the Lineage II system folder. Right click and drag l2.exe to the desktop. Select create shortcuts here.

Lastly go back to the l2j-loginserver folder and navigate into dist. Open startAccountManager.bat. Create and username and password. close out. Now open up the Lineage II shortcut on your desktop. And congratulations! You are playing on your very own L2J server!
Nov 9, 2008
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Dude there are 2000 billion guides about how to set up any kind of server :p
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2007
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Hey was just trying to write a "killall" guide for most of the problems newbies face with setting up their own servers.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you very much, when i get home i will try this. I am very computer literate and experienced L2 player and GM, i want to learn more about this because i am a GM at a server and want to be more active server side and outgame.

This guide will help heaps i imagine,
I have these will i be able to use them with this guide.?!?

1) CT2_loginserver_1.1.0
2) CT2_gameserver_1.2.7 and 1.2.10

thanks in advance
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
i did everything i've seen on this guide, but my problem is that gameguard is still active and telling me i use hacking tools :|

i did overwrite core.dll and engine.dll from that nogg patch, but is useless :|

pls help, it's my first attempt to have my own server

Newbie Spellweaver
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
when i tried to do a full install of the database, i got this error 1049 unkown l2jdb

set mysqlBinPath=C:\xampp\mysql\bin

set lsuser=root
set lspass=
set lsdb=l2jdb
set lshost=localhost

set gsuser=root
set gspass=
set gsdb=l2jdb
set gshost=localhost

I had something like this, i dont theres anything wrong here right? Sorry being noob here, jus trying to follow the guide and got some errors
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
also the link you have provided fot the no game guard patch redirects us to a new site with a big variety of other patches
could you plz check out the new site and provide me with a new link for the correct patch??
tnx :)
Newbie Spellweaver
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
also in which file are the loginserver and gameserver files??
sry for the many questions but this is my first time trying to create l2 server :S
Newbie Spellweaver
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
sry my bad again what i ment to ask was where can i get the server pack to ectract the loginserver and gameserver :S
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
great topic man

I'm having a problem while I'm installing database an error appears:
got error 1049 unknown database l2jdb

anyone knows how to solve that?

(sry for the bad english)

problem solved =D

u just need to creat a empty database with the name l2jdb
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Anyone can help me? While i start registergameserver.bat . i got this when i try start LS and GS, too.

Sirenji404 - Easy L2J Setup howto guide - RaGEZONE Forums
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
I would just like to add something to the first post that I noticed will cause problems. If you do not already have the l2jdb database schema in your MySQL database already, the setup using this method will fail. The error message states "unknown database l2jdb" which kind of tells you what's wrong, but there are some people who may not know how to fix it.

The solution:
-Create a schema called "l2jdb"

That will solve that problem.
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone can help me? While i start registergameserver.bat . i got this when i try start LS and GS, too.

Sirenji404 - Easy L2J Setup howto guide - RaGEZONE Forums

It looks as if your server setup is trying to find a file, but can not find it. I would try redownloading as it could have been corrupted, or maybe you just changed something. I'm honestly not sure, but it states in the error message there's a missing file.
Initiate Mage
Apr 11, 2007
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As far as I know i followed each step exactly as you said. And I'm still encountering this error when trying to log in "You are currently logging in, please wait a moment" then it dissappears and nothing happens. What've I done wrong? I'm guessing something in the loginserver.properties or hosts? Sorry, I'm a newbie at this^^ wow configs are easier:p
Initiate Mage
Jul 4, 2009
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I am having a problem that hopefully someone can help me. I have installed the database by the .bat file and everything went well but when I try to run the GSRegister program I get an error that states There was an error while attempting to retrieve the list of currently registered GameServers. Reason: Communications link failure. I'm confused because it installed correctly but that one step is causing problems. BTW, I am running Trinity Core also on this same server the L2J server like i said installed the database just fine but it refuses to register a GameServer. I am using xampp. Any help to this would be beinifical also I do have L2J's sql password and username correct.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 14, 2008
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how can I spawn the custom item mall and npc buffer ?