well i just noticed that
doesn't work on IE7 or was deprecated, well i was using this to redirect
to a page trough php after a login.
used a rather quick fix making use of js, just to make it work
well i'm kinda new to php and dunno much about security related to php or if theres any more standard way of doing this, enlight me with your knowledge plz
is it ok like this or brings issues
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=""
doesn't work on IE7 or was deprecated, well i was using this to redirect
to a page trough php after a login.
used a rather quick fix making use of js, just to make it work
echo "
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
function redirect()
window.location=\" http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/" . $page . "\"
<body onload=redirect()>
well i'm kinda new to php and dunno much about security related to php or if theres any more standard way of doing this, enlight me with your knowledge plz