[Emulator] Illidan Project, a hardcore World of WarCraft Emulator

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 10, 2006
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pAbLoPiCaSsO - [Emulator] Illidan Project, a hardcore World of WarCraft Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

Welcome to Illidan server, a new emulation project for World of WarCraft.

Description: This server will use IOCP Sockets, the Berkeley DB, will be programmed as a kernel mode driver and a lot of other features pulling the hardware to its maximum. The development has begun some time ago so the current state is quite advanced. This project is underground; no news of the current state and no binary releases will be given before the pre-final release.

The advantages of the server are:

-The usage of IOCP sockets, wich make the network code extremely dynamical and fast. These special sockets are based on the Input/Output Completition Ports wich are only supported by some operating systems, including the Windows Server series and Windows Vista (which is built on the Windows Server code's basis)

-The usage of the Berkeley DB; a non transactional database which has one of the best ever atteigned performances for a DB. This Database is built in directly in the code by a special API.

-The implementation by using kernel mode drivers; the server can this way access directly to hardware, run under system permissions, control it's executing time and this way increase its performance largely!

-The multithreading optimisation, making the server execute up to 70% faster on dual core and around 120-150% faster on quad core processors.

-The 64-Bit support, speeding the server up additionnaly because the 64-Bit processors execute 64 bits of data in one operation. twice as much as 32-Bit ones.

-The Dynamic Link Library scheme, making multiple instances (-> realms) of the server run simoultaneously and loading the code only once in the Random Access Memory.

-The clustered architecture, by splitting the server into different modules which can be executed on different machines to form one server.

I am seeking skilled C/C++ devs (actually C++ devs only because the code is object oriented..) to speed up the development procedure. If you are interested send me a PM (including some samples of YOUR code and a quick presentation of yourself) and I will recontact you.

(last update 18/02/07)

-Added process priority management in Illidan Console

-Added Illidan::Database
-Added Berkeley DB functionality

-Added Kernel Mode Driver ("Illidan kernel mode device driver")

Before 16/2/07:
-Added Illidan Console with anti crash system
-Added Illidan::Core and Illidan::Master
-Added IOCP functionality
-Added 64-Bit version
-Separated Illidan::Core and Illidan::Master into a DLL

(last update 17/02/07)

+ Illidan Source Code

- Illidan Binaries
- db

- dll

- sys
Illidan Console.exe
+/- Directory

Current Developers
(last update 17/02/07)


Don't spam, don't flame.
Last edited:
Uhh, haven't you already posted this before, and everyone told who that it is in the wrong section? Pay attention, please, and read the forum rules next time. The link is in my siggy. -_-
resinate: If you know C++ well you can always send me a PM :wink:
I can't say exact date when it will come out yet, it is in heavy development but it will come out faster if some people help.

Yamachi: This is in the right section, it is a World of Warcraft emulator, so it is related with World of Warcraft ;)
This thread should especially not go to recruitment because nobody reads the recruitment forums, generally WoW devs read the World of Warcraft section and not the team recruitment... And also I wanted to post the updates/changelogs in this thread later on...
Whether or not you think that people read the recruitment section or not, this belongs there! Why the hell do you think it is there? Search the forums if you want, and you'll see that every other person that has tried recruiting in this section is told the same thing, and they always get shot down if they try to argue the fact. So, in all honesty, give up now and just listen to what I am saying. And, posting updates/changelogs is fine, but that can be done on a seperate thread. Asking for teammates does NOT go here. End of.
Whether or not you think that people read the recruitment section or not, this belongs there! Why the hell do you think it is there? Search the forums if you want, and you'll see that every other person that has tried recruiting in this section is told the same thing, and they always get shot down if they try to argue the fact. So, in all honesty, give up now and just listen to what I am saying. And, posting updates/changelogs is fine, but that can be done on a seperate thread. Asking for teammates does NOT go here. End of.

Stay cool.
Is it breaking down the world if at the same time than posting a changelog, I ask if someone is interested to join my team?
Seriously, this section is here for this, and if the moderators don't like they still have the liberty of just deplacing my thread by one click.
OK, what you just changed your first post to is the kinda thing I wanna see here. ^_^ Recruitment still aint allowed though, no matter what you say. But, as I said, you are DEFINITELY allowed to post what you changed the first post to. Anyways, good luck with it.
OK, what you just changed your first post to is the kinda thing I wanna see here. ^_^ Recruitment still aint allowed though, no matter what you say. But, as I said, you are DEFINITELY allowed to post what you changed the first post to. Anyways, good luck with it.

Thank you for the comprehension :)
Yamachi is correct about the section this type of thread is suppose to be made in.
And at the same time, I would see the point of pAbLoPiCaSsO posting it into the wow dev section, as programmers that use wow emulation would notice it here, and maybe not bother to look in recruitments.

But on another note, ragezone right now is having issues with mods not cleaning up the forums, so the fact that this is in the wrong section wont matter in the long run, as it wont be getting moved;)

Good luck on your project pAbLoPiCaSsO, but in the future you should make your thread in the recruitment, and use a sig to link people to that post if you wish;)
he uses a lot of flashy big words and it sounds promising but i dont see one once of proof the project is even started. just looks like a concept. in that case i dont think this thing will even hit the ground.

he directly ripped a HUGE name off warcraft for the title of his emu. so original. very catchy though. give him that.

he directly ripped a WALLPAPER and threw it in this thread. i have that very same background on now with the "blizzard" copyright at the bottom right. also his avatar is just a cropped headshot of the wallpaper image. which if u notice neither one is photoshopped at all with effects. usually thats the first thing a person does when they are hard at work at a project no?

sounds like he read up on some billshit, or made it up, woke up this morning with a hard-on from the fame he would get for this super kewl server, then copy and pasted all this info and pics in like 5 minutes.

maybe im being harsh but thats how i see this. its not even start (dont get me wrong, concepts are good but u act like its 50% done or something) or he will spread around alpha version exe's that are actually trojans. seen it before... fame or trojans. thats what all the maplestory emu's are. nothing more. all bullshit.

"Don't spam, don't flame."
i guess u already knew it was coming cuz its all flimsy sht

haha also the changelog is just txt. thats it. no link no info. the "files" is just a txt list of some made up files off the top of his head.
Flamer leechers down!

he uses a lot of flashy big words and it sounds promising but i dont see one once of proof the project is even started. just looks like a concept. in that case i dont think this thing will even hit the ground.

he directly ripped a HUGE name off warcraft for the title of his emu. so original. very catchy though. give him that.

he directly ripped a WALLPAPER and threw it in this thread. i have that very same background on now with the "blizzard" copyright at the bottom right. also his avatar is just a cropped headshot of the wallpaper image. which if u notice neither one is photoshopped at all with effects. usually thats the first thing a person does when they are hard at work at a project no?

sounds like he read up on some billshit, or made it up, woke up this morning with a hard-on from the fame he would get for this super kewl server, then copy and pasted all this info and pics in like 5 minutes.

maybe im being harsh but thats how i see this. its not even start (dont get me wrong, concepts are good but u act like its 50% done or something) or he will spread around alpha version exe's that are actually trojans. seen it before... fame or trojans. thats what all the maplestory emu's are. nothing more. all bullshit.

"Don't spam, don't flame."
i guess u already knew it was coming cuz its all flimsy sht

haha also the changelog is just txt. thats it. no link no info. the "files" is just a txt list of some made up files off the top of his head.

pAbLoPiCaSsO - [Emulator] Illidan Project, a hardcore World of WarCraft Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

pAbLoPiCaSsO - [Emulator] Illidan Project, a hardcore World of WarCraft Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

pAbLoPiCaSsO - [Emulator] Illidan Project, a hardcore World of WarCraft Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

pAbLoPiCaSsO - [Emulator] Illidan Project, a hardcore World of WarCraft Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

Just files made off my head eh?
I don't like people like you, they come and flame with the hope that someone will publish an alpha version that
they will rip and use for their own server.
wtf would i want with an alpha version? if i wanted to do that i could just take the current tBC repacks that crash the client every 2 minutes from walking and talking to npcs.

all im saying is that u make this thing sound so totally awesome. like too good to be true. if you prove me wrong then great. we all get to enjoy a different emu that is MAYBE even more stable, faster, etc etc.

i just dont want everyone graveling at your feet for no reason.

btw those SS still dont prove anything. u can easily rename files or fill them with junk but i dont really care. just giving everyone the heads up so they dont get let down.
LOL evryone can rename MaNGoS file let me see i have an good mangos rev lets call it my files change the filenames and whola im done ;)

Verry Verry bad behaviour ... Same behaviour as the kobalt team rip the MaNGoS files and say it is all your work . If you ever woundered why those projects are Close source THATS why they dont want anyone to find out .

And this is not the first time mr picashit is annopuncing some crap like this ;) All damn blanks he trows at us not ever one project was finiched or started . Again not even have tryed to hide the scam ;) Nice going man .

Next time when you want to do somthing like this make shure it counts give files or so . I dont care if there would be an alfa hell MaNGoS is even still in alfa according to mangos team ;)

I hate people that do crap like that . Its plain and simple as well those people are LOOSERS . At least i got the cuts to say that mine projects are somone elses work . I only made them easy to use thats all i did nothing more nothing less . And maybee it is hard to say its not mine i use lots of things from that and that project so thanx people for making my life easy by codding it for me so i wont have to do that crap all over by myself .

Ok maybee im an bit hash here but i know what it is when people take you work and not even thank you in the slitest bit for doing it .

Ok people have fun with this i know the rep of this guy and it and no good ;) So far that is so maybee it wil change .