
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA,
Looking for people interested in helping me out in coding an emulator. This is not your average emulator, it is not the C# sources floating around, and I'm not your average Dev that they apparently have in CO private servers around here. These are my own custom made sources in c++ from scratch. Everything up to creating an account works so far and I'm wondering if anyone else would be interested in lending a hand because I know little to nothing about getting packets from real CO. Given data I could code things up faster than you can read the post that the last feature was added xD anyway, anyone interested should add me on MSN for more info. [email protected]

bone-you - Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums
bone-you - Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums
Good luck to you if you're still working on it. Being able to enter commands through the game server would be a great feature to have. Might get noticed a little more if you post for help in the Team Recruitment section or ask on the CoEmu forums. Again, good luck mate. ;)
Already posted on coemu. I was ignored mostly. I'm not looking for other devs as much as I am for explanations on packets and such.
Already posted on coemu. I was ignored mostly. I'm not looking for other devs as much as I am for explanations on packets and such.

I'm pretty much the same as you. I know C#, but nothing about packets. Reading around the packet section on CoEmu may help you a little, not too sure.
nice work :o
i woudent have a clue where to start when creating a source :p
im trying to get a delphi source because c++ and c# are a little bit to hard to pick up on 4 me...
for the helping part im giving ur email to a friend of me when he comes online,hes pretty good with this so he might be able to help you
You can add me as well, I have years of graphic and web design behind me... and I was an Everquest Guide for 5 years. I will certainly do testing for you, and I have dedicated servers you can user for testing. Let me know. Messenger: [email protected] (that's also my main email)

Looking forward to helping... looks very promising.