Enable Guild Bases

Junior Spellweaver
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
First off to start you edit ai319.lua and change this value

if timerid == timerid_xintiao then
if flag[1] == 0 then
local value_era = aiObj:GetPrayValue()
if value_era >= 2000000 then
flag[1] = 1

change this line only (if value_era >= 2000000 then) this must point to whatever you put in elements.data in era config for the 3rd era (which is found in area 143), being diety, first is chaos, them form, then diety, next make sure the value you have for diety matches what you edited in the lua, from there you goto 67 special is config, id's 63-64 which is the start amount in prayer value which also must match the start of diety era, and feild 64 is the end amount to the next era which closes off guild bidding on bases, for example if you have 200 prayers to reach diety era and then need 1 thousand prayers to reach mortal, then diety era will be 200 which is what you put in the lua, era config and special id config (table 63)!, if you like this then hit the like, hopefully its useful to some!. 2013-09-19 10-27-35 - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
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Ah I see will got to thanks comper for releasing the El editor for 331 :D

Edit: so the era is in the Era Conf inside of element.data and what I am looking for the is value for that era. Correct me if I am wrong.
Captur - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
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In elements.data it is in list ID: 67 "special config" and you have to change the era value in field ID 63 and 64.

been messing it around but couldn't get it to work probly because I might have did it wrong or something.
I found the Special ID Conf on elements.data
special conf - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
But did not see any 67 Value
Then I did on the Era Conf I change era_st 2000000 to 2
era conf - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
After that I change the ai319 value to 2
ai319 - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
Thats pretty much what I did. I am not sure if I did it correct or totally wrong still very new at it.
Ok I know because you are using the 331 elements edit so you can't see the field numbers. In your pic those values at KINGDO field with the number 2000000 and 35000000 those are 63 and 64
Ok I know because you are using the 331 elements edit so you can't see the field numbers. In your pic those values at KINGDO field with the number 2000000 and 35000000 those are 63 and 64

So because my value/field are differ is there a possibility to change it? like replace 2m and 3.5m vaule to 63&64? and what about the 67?
Sorry if I am asking too much question.
if you change deity value to 2 then in field 63 you should change 2000000 to 2 too
from what Willy said the field 64 is the value which closes off the guild base bidding then you should change it to higher value that you haven't reached yet and 3500000 is the value of Mortal Era I saw you change it to 30 in your Era config
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if you change deity value to 2 then in field 63 you should change 2000000 to 2 too
from what Willy said the field 64 is the value which closes off the guild base bidding then you should change it to higher value that you haven't reached yet

AH I see.. I will test it out after editing thanks martinle. I will post back if it works or not.

Edit: Tried it did not work but I am still playing around with the values
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change the luas also, and also reset era back to the beginning, so as soon as you are at the prayer value to begin guild base auctions you will get system announcements and lawrance will allow bidding
change the luas also, and also reset era back to the beginning, so as soon as you are at the prayer value to begin guild base auctions you will get system announcements and lawrance will allow bidding

hey willy ty for your reply just 1 stupid question how to reset the era back to the begining ?

and u mean change the vale 20000 in the file ai319.lua ?

here is my elements and ula..

thanks in advance.

as for the luas do i need to unpack the scripts? lol so many questions and no idea been at this
since i see your 1st post i think im going backwards instead of forwards

p.s if u have skype i would love to get this working... hit me up.

UPDATE :: Dosnt work on version 331


  • specialid - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
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  • EraConf - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
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  • ai319 - Enable Guild Bases - RaGEZONE Forums
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have lvl 3
trouble is world era just dosnt advance
Hey Pope your era starting point is a miss the second era Im sure it still at 500000 for your image at few post back,so from that image mean your era will advance after u pass 500000 then deity only need 2 :) plz check again at your element data

also I have lvl 3 with enough contrib to bid the guild kbase is open but I cant bit guild base from lawrance if u read his hint it say"however I will not provide any base if only few guild meet the requiment"so might need more guild bfr he open the guild base auction.