Encoding and decoding C structures in Scala with scodec

Initiate Mage
Mar 28, 2016
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Hello everyone. I've been doing server emulation development for a few months now on Phantasy Star Online and I am going to start writing blog posts addressing specific issues for using more modern approaches to the field of server emulation.

Scala is a nice language that has very, very powerful abstractions and in-language DSLs over common tasks. scodec is a parser combinator library that enables you to write fairly high performance parsers for structures very quickly. This is the first of what I hope to be many articles I intend to write for this language, but I may also write related content for other languages like Rust, maybe Kotlin or Haskell, etc. My hope is that writing educative articles on the topic may help jump-start efforts to build better scaling, maintainable, and secure servers for less complicated games. C++ is really not coder friendly in any sense, and there are much better options that, if you're willing to forgo some performance, make it far easier to implement things like database interaction, inter-server communication, RESTful APIs for database access, etc.

You do not need to know Scala to fully understand this, but it does take advantage of Scala-specific features that programmers of more conventional languages might find hard to grok (type inferencing, strong typing, higher-kinded types, etc).

Encoding and decoding C structures in Scala with scodec