Encrypt mrs

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi, i encrypted mrs with hex edit but once i run Gunz.exe it dosent work .. any ideas ?
mlog.txt :
GUNZ 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Jan 19 2013 15:30:40) 
Log time (01/19/13 15:43:27)
CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 774 , model = 10 , stepping = 9 ) @ 3093 MHz
Display Device = NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 ( vendor=10de device=fc2 subsys=27501462 revision=a1 )
Display Driver Version = 9.18.0013.1090
Windows = 6.1 Build 7600 ,  (4194303KB) :  ..
Load XML from memory : system/locale.xml- SUCCESS
Country : (KOR), Language : (KOR)
Load Config from file : config.xml- SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/system.xml- SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/strings.xml(0x0012) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/cserror.xml(0x0012) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/messages.xml(0x0012) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/gametypecfg.xml 
Netmarble Certification Failed. Shutdown. 
InitializeNotify ok.
WFog Enabled Device.
device created.
Video memory 2013.000000 
shader initialize successful : 1
main : RGetLenzFlare()->Initialize() 

InitialLoading success.
interface Initialize success
ZApplication::OnCreate : begin
0(Primary Sound Driver): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
1(Speakers / Headphones (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
2(Communications Headphones (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
LoadWave: Error loading file
357magrevolver_dryfire.wav file open failed
LoadWave: Unknown file format
357magrevolver_dryfire.wav file open failed
LoadWave: Unknown file format
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
FEM01.wav file open failed
LoadWave: Unknown file format
FEM01.wav file open failed
LoadWave: Unknown file format
NAR01.wav file open failed
LoadWave: Unknown file format
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.
LoadWave: Error creating hardware sound buffer.

-------------------> Sound Engine Create : 0.606000 

sound engine create.
Load XML from memory : System/tips.xml(0x0012)- SUCCESS
start log bipmap
end of load bitmaps2
loading pictures : 0.604000 
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom.tga not found.
112Confirm.xml file open failed
IDLResource Loading Success!!
IDL resources : 0.117000 
start InitInterface option
Number of Display mode : 35
Number of Display mode : 35
end of InitInterface option ok
Init maps : no Current ChannelRule 
Screen Effect Manager Create : 0.108000 
Screen effect manager create success.
blood-mark01.tga.dds file open failed
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 °³ ְּ»ף
Effect manager create success.
Client create success.
game interface create success.

-------------------> GameInterface Create : 1.016000 

character.xml file open failed
Load character.xml success,

-------------------> Character Loading : 0.002000 

----------> in zip ( model/weapon/rocketlauncher/rl_doomslinger.elu ) file not found!! 
 ----------> in zip ( model/weapon/blade/blade_sharkteeth.elu ) file not found!! 
 ----------> in zip ( model/weapon/rifle/smg_mp5.elu ) file not found!! 
 ----------> in zip ( model/weapon/rifle/smg_mp5.elu ) file not found!! 
-------------------> WeaponMesh Loading : 0.238000 

Load weapon.xml success. 

-------------------> Worlditem Loading : 0.018000 

Load zitem info success.
Load zBuff info success.
Init world item manager success.
Init map Descriptor success.
Init channel rule manager success.
abuse.txt file open failed
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sure trying to encrypt your files in Hex editor will not work out well. lulwut.
I figured that out, any ideas what i need to add to my runnable for it to work ?
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