enGB or enUS?

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
i live in the uk and have got my server fully workin jus downloadin the client but will it matter if i use the enUS client or not? :flag_usa:
not what i know, tho you must have regular WoW and if TBC in the same GB or US on those two.. WoW (GB) and TBC (GB).. not WoW (GB) TBC (US) or the other way around etc.
i need 2 find a tbc engb beta client then prob is there is nt anywhere any idea searchin on google but gettin aload of torrent crap
He wasn't asking a question, he was merely stating that he couldn't find one.

@craigtoms: If you can only find torrents, then you'll have to use them. Also, instead of making two consecutive posts, just edit the first one.
problem is that the torrents are for the retail version and people havin problems downlaodin an cd keys an shit so i jus lookin for a simple place to download it found btw

the enGB beta client for those who cant b bothered to search :punch:
Fiskarn, I was not telling him how to DL the WoW client, just saying that we cannot help him by posting warez, which is NOT allowed (where as, what I said is completely allowed, else I would not have said it). And, you CAN give links to the official client downloader, as it is actually allowed by blizzard. Just so you know ^_~
problem is that the torrents are for the retail version and people havin problems downlaodin an cd keys an shit so i jus lookin for a simple place to download it found btw

the enGB beta client for those who cant b bothered to search :punch:

ahaha lmao you do not need ANY cd keys or no-cd cracks for wow only if your registering an account with them
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