english PT serve files?

sorry to tell you there is no full version of ept server files there are some files that i am sure they wont be released to public atm, hopefully later they will.

you can use the leaked version of JPT premodefied server files and edit it as you want as they do have most of the things in it.

what a dumbass.

jpt files are in english......

and if they arent how u like them............ dont beg for files.

dev ur own man.

u dont see ppl askin for like ept files... (however it wuld be nice)

we amke due. (although some ppl are better off *cough*)

u think cuz its called jpt it has to be in jap?
yea but if i try to login nothing happens it cant connect with my server it stays on the original game T.T
have u set up ur registry properly
did u make sure to create your account under the rite prefix?
try creating another account, i had this problem with one of my accounts and i just created a new one with a different name under the correct prefix and it worked
Im a friend of Lexil but it dont work with that new char it stays at the orginal game to log in:(