Error on SQL set up & where to get cd key

Dec 31, 2004
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Ok 2 things (one not error :icon6: )

1. When I try to install it to my local machine, it says this:
A previous installation created pending file operations on the installation machine. You must restart before running setup.

Now, this is the 1st time I installed sql, and after about 20 reboots in a row, I STILL get this message.

2. I then put it on a nother computer on my network, and it asks for a reg key. Where do i sign up for the 120 day trial on microsoft sql site?? :chair: . I looked for 1 hour straight!!

Please post, email me ([email protected]) or PM me ASAP.
Thanks for your help!
its cause your :ala: you should be :zippy: and every little thing is gonna be alright

hint Dios's avatar XD hint