Explain Me Point By Point

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
someone can pls explain me point by point what i put in

$srvip = "you ip";
$srvport = "6000";
$mssql_user = "";
$mssql_pass = "";
$mssql_database = "GunzDB";
$mssql_host = "YOU\SQLEXPRESS";


my ip is -> spygunz.servergame.com
port -> 6000
user -> i dk... WHERE I CAN SEE IT ??????
pass -> i dk... WHERE I CAN SEE IT ??????
database name -> GunZDB
host -> CASA\GUNZ

and i put like this:

$srvip = "spygunz.servergame.com";
$srvport = "6000";
$mssql_user = "";
$mssql_pass = "";
$mssql_database = "GunZDB";
$mssql_host = "CASA\GUNZ";

and say taht i got an error on line 47

line 47 -> $conn = mssql_connect($mssql_host, $mssql_user, $mssql_pass);

im using WAMP and i did it:

Go to:
6) Find the line ";extension=php_mssql.dll" and remove the ;

7) Click the WAMP icon then click "Put Online"

8) Go to c:\wamp\www and delete everything in there.

9) Right Click -> New -> File -> index.php.....

my url is -> <- right ?

so... some can pls... explain me POINT BY POINT what im doing wrong...
im really sry about this post but i didnt find anything with a good explanation for it

troyhorse - Explain Me Point By Point - RaGEZONE Forums
someone can pls explain me point by point what i put in

$srvip = "you ip";
$srvport = "6000";
$mssql_user = "";
$mssql_pass = "";
$mssql_database = "GunzDB";
$mssql_host = "YOU\SQLEXPRESS";


my ip is -> spygunz.servergame.com
port -> 6000
user -> i dk... WHERE I CAN SEE IT ??????
pass -> i dk... WHERE I CAN SEE IT ??????
database name -> GunZDB
host -> CASA\GUNZ

and i put like this:

$srvip = "spygunz.servergame.com";
$srvport = "6000";
$mssql_user = "";
$mssql_pass = "";
$mssql_database = "GunZDB";
$mssql_host = "CASA\GUNZ";

and say taht i got an error on line 47

line 47 -> $conn = mssql_connect($mssql_host, $mssql_user, $mssql_pass);

im using WAMP and i did it:

Go to:
6) Find the line ";extension=php_mssql.dll" and remove the ;

7) Click the WAMP icon then click "Put Online"

8) Go to c:\wamp\www and delete everything in there.

9) Right Click -> New -> File -> index.php.....

my url is -> <- right ?

so... some can pls... explain me POINT BY POINT what im doing wrong...
im really sry about this post but i didnt find anything with a good explanation for it

troyhorse - Explain Me Point By Point - RaGEZONE Forums

You allready set up your pass and user should be sa or in your case CASA/Lucas. the rest in self explanatory
Upvote 0
hmmm.. like it ?

$mssql_user = "CASA/Lucas";
$mssql_pass ="CASA/Lucas";


and what is my url ?
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