Hehe I have Fixed GameGuard ploblem from my self .....
Fisrt I try click rosegamguard and go in game alot like Akai Said
But do not solve the ploblem Hack tool :20
So..... then my friend give me the patch that make me got in and It Could play!!!
Before When I run launcher the game guard load like 8/8 and get in game
BUT now the game guard didn't run !!! and just go in game And no game guard icon on the rightdown side taskbar
OK.!!! The One who have ploblem like me just do this ...
1.first you go in your game client folder and DELETE!!!--> GameGuard folder
Also go to delete in bin
2.extract these patch file in the folder game there are 6 file
( IF it ask any thing while extracting just choose yes or yes to all )
- lconfig.nhd
- Rose Launcher.exe
- SetGameGuard.exe
- TGameCtrl_r.dll
- TRose.exe
- znzin.dll
- อ่านก่อน!! (คู่มือการติดตั้ง) <<< don't mine >"< its in Thailand language
3.now all the 6file are in folder client game rose and be sure there is not a folder GameGuard in there
4.Dubble click SetGameGuard.exe And then Rose Launcher.exe to launcher the game
( Also Config your IP in lconfig.nhd )
Hope ... That its can be useful for some one
Thank You
[] Oh yeah !!! Who have a web or script that let player change job And character stick in some map can move in the web Pls share thx
Offcouse Who Can tell me how to let player in game can use only gm command /go to warp to anywhere in game pls share tooo XD
Contact for any thing to me at
[email protected]
I play msn too an I will talk to every body in every time just add !!!
Sorry for my bad english i am from Thailand
Fisrt I try click rosegamguard and go in game alot like Akai Said
But do not solve the ploblem Hack tool :20
So..... then my friend give me the patch that make me got in and It Could play!!!
Before When I run launcher the game guard load like 8/8 and get in game
BUT now the game guard didn't run !!! and just go in game And no game guard icon on the rightdown side taskbar
OK.!!! The One who have ploblem like me just do this ...
1.first you go in your game client folder and DELETE!!!--> GameGuard folder
Also go to delete in bin
2.extract these patch file in the folder game there are 6 file
( IF it ask any thing while extracting just choose yes or yes to all )
- lconfig.nhd
- Rose Launcher.exe
- SetGameGuard.exe
- TGameCtrl_r.dll
- TRose.exe
- znzin.dll
- อ่านก่อน!! (คู่มือการติดตั้ง) <<< don't mine >"< its in Thailand language
3.now all the 6file are in folder client game rose and be sure there is not a folder GameGuard in there
4.Dubble click SetGameGuard.exe And then Rose Launcher.exe to launcher the game
( Also Config your IP in lconfig.nhd )
Hope ... That its can be useful for some one
Thank You
[] Oh yeah !!! Who have a web or script that let player change job And character stick in some map can move in the web Pls share thx
Offcouse Who Can tell me how to let player in game can use only gm command /go to warp to anywhere in game pls share tooo XD
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Contact for any thing to me at
[email protected]
I play msn too an I will talk to every body in every time just add !!!
Sorry for my bad english i am from Thailand