fast question about mangos-internet

Hi, I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but I run the Mangos server from a PC from home which has a dynamic IP that changes occasionally. I use the free software from which is basically a web redirection service. I use the No-IP Free service which is free.

No-IP runs a small Windows program so that whenever my ISP changes my IP address, it automatically sends an update to No-IP's server with my updated IP address.

When I originally registered with No-IP, I got to pick a subdomain from a list of many domains and TLDs, and that's the Internet address I give out to everyone (for example,

When my ISP changes my IP address, the software notifies No-IP and they update their routing table and no one is the wiser.

Hope that helps!
Are you sure you're selecting the right product? I selected the No-IP Free product and didn't have to pay any fees. When it came to selecting a domain, I just selected one of domains they had to choose from (I picked and I got to select the name I wanted; adventrilo (our guild name is Advent and we're using it for Ventrilo). So our No-IP IP address is now

Hope that helps!
Question for ks0100

How do your settings look like?
because i cant join my own server.
What did u do to get it work.

The settings of:
Host doc in your system32 folder

:wounded2: Could you tell me how to fill in to get it work all over the world :wink2:
Question for ks0100

How do your settings look like?
because i cant join my own server.
What did u do to get it work.

The settings of:
Host doc in your system32 folder

:wounded2: Could you tell me how to fill in to get it work all over the world :wink2:

Currently, my IP address is which is the equivalent of I do not give out my IP address as it's dynamic and changes from time to time unlike the address I picked with of, which does not change. I only give out the for people to connect to.

Here is an image of the No-IP software from my tray:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

This tells me that the dynamic IP address assigned to me by my ISP of is being updated to No-IP.

Here is what my realmd.conf file looks like:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

Here is what my mangosd.conf looks like:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

I also know that the in the realmd database, there is a table called realmlist. In this table, there is one record that lists the name of my realm and the IP address. I think you need to update the IP address others will be connecting to in this table. I use the Navicat GUI to interface with MySQL but have also included a screen shot from SQLyog too:

Here is the Navicat screenshot:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

Here is the SQLyog screenshot:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

You also asked for a Host doc from my C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder. I'm not sure what you're referring to there. I didn't update any such file for this setup.

Hope that helps!
Question for ks0100

Oke but what do you put in your realmlist from your WoW client?
I understand that the people that want to play in my server type the no-ip thingy.

And about the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder, there is a folder called Drivers in that folder is a folder called ETC in there are documents 1 of it is a Host document. But i understand that you didnt do anything in there
Question for ks0100

Oke but what do you put in your realmlist from your WoW client?
I understand that the people that want to play in my server type the no-ip thingy.

And about the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder, there is a folder called Drivers in that folder is a folder called ETC in there are documents 1 of it is a Host document. But i understand that you didnt do anything in there

Do you mean the file? If this is the file that you mean, here is how mine is set up:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

I did not have to do anything with my C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. From looking at this file, it appears contain the following information:

bulgarian - fast question about mangos-internet - RaGEZONE Forums

Again, I did not have to modify this file in any way for my installation.
Question for ks0100

Oke but u can connect to your own server?
I did the same thing as you but i cant connect to my server...
question ..
i have my host done but nothing works.... i mean i can`t go in my serv... :| i changed the realmlist with the host name
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