Fatal error 132 when talking to NPC

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hi i just got a brand new tbc up and running downloaded from DJravine.

the server got the emu patch installed.

well all my player can connect and play the game but when they speak whit certain NPC they got an Fatal error 132 that crash the entire game.

i did search on google a way to fix this bug common for the blizzard user... but still the bug occur each time we speak to those damn infected npc lol...

anyone can help ?

the DB seems to b fine and no corruption in the NPC so i dont know what to do next.
I have talked with DJravine about this and he is aware of this problem. It's one of the things being worked on, but rest assured you're not the only one receiving this error.. Just gotta wait for them to fix it for now.