FireEmblem Sigger

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Junior Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2008
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Onnagata - FireEmblem Sigger - RaGEZONE Forums

Onnagata - FireEmblem Sigger - RaGEZONE Forums

Onnagata - FireEmblem Sigger - RaGEZONE Forums

uhhh...iuno if its better or not...i like the 2nd one better still.............................

hmm well, iuno. rate/comment? any improvements i shall make?
i actually made it for someone else...but it was the wrong character. i thought this was marth...
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well ppl got different styles =)
i guess im one of them
plains good too...but i see a lot of them lately its just too much.
so i'm trying something new :O

To messy.

Hardly any depth.

No flow as what i can see.

The guys face interferes with the colors.

Hardly any effects used.

No proper light source.

Those gray lines are a defo no.
hehe 2nd messy comment.
Kite judges ppl harshly =P
uhhhm i dont think i ever went for flow
i just do whatever looked nice...
but i'll put those into consideration. thnx
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