First 2 things i made on PhotoShop 7

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 6, 2006
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Only1 - First 2 things i made on PhotoShop 7 - RaGEZONE Forums

Only1 - First 2 things i made on PhotoShop 7 - RaGEZONE Forums

rate and comment and tell me how to improve
wow a whole lot better then my first tries. And Cs2 is a recent version of photoshop. Much better then photoshop 7. So Adobe - Photoshop CS2 - Professional photo editing software then try to find its patch by typing somethign like Photoshop Cs2 Patch in your downloading program or torrent downloader kinda thing or if you want pm me and ill send u the patch once u got Cs2.
photoshop cs ftw, i don't need your fancy new interface or swanky new tools!

The user bar thing could've been done by any number of generators on the web, so zero points for that, However the sig shows real promise but could do with more content. I won't even mention the text because its well known that no-one can do text fantastically without spending a long time on it.
First one 5/10 I don't like that as much as I like the 2nd one, Second one 9/10. Add more to the first one
Use CS2, torrent it or buy. The first one is too poor 1,5/10 xD but the second one is fucking c00L. 9/10 x]
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