First lucid dream :]

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May 18, 2006
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Last monday, my alarm clock woke me up, shut it off, felt sick, went back to sleep. Mom woke me up saying why arent you ready??!? I said I was sick.. no comp today.. meh nothing to lose, then she woke me up again asking me where my wallet was, i told her where it is, then fell back to sleep..

I was at a corner ahead of my street holding my dog's leash watching her taking a crap.. then she vanished, didnt care, so i tried to walk, suddenly flew into the air, i tried to control my self, then it hit me, "WTF!! this is a dream! w00t.. yay im lucid dreaming" i thought, to make sure, I stuck my finger thru my hand, it went thru.. and so on.. on.. on I was like cool! then i did the first thing everyone who was lucid dreaming would do.. find someone to have sex with.. so i ended up doing a black lady.. cuz she has the biggest bewbs i didnt know why i didnt make the hot girl in my dreamworld have bigger bewbs.. anyway.. we did this.. moaned like black snake moan.. then i decided to see what my dreamworld is.. its basically my neighbor with many houses missing.. and new stuff.. smaller pool, etc. a guy i know was in the pool.. wuz nice enuff to tell me that my clothes doesnt match, so i look up think what i want to wear, then looked back down, didnt like it.. kept doing it till i get my favorite clothes on..

then i woke up cuz everyone was giving birth to worms.. which became ducks.. and my brain couldnt accept that a duck driving a mini firetruck was real enough.. gay.. so i woke up.. :(
find someone to have sex with.. so i ended up doing a black lady.. cuz she has the biggest bewbs i didnt know why i didnt make the hot girl in my dreamworld have bigger bewbs..

I had something like that, but then I said ''what the fuck im dreaming'' then I woke up cause of my own voice xD
i have had near lucid dream experiences

they is a huge forum about lucid dreaming on the net
I've had some lucid dreams, but nothing that lasted more than 2/3 minutes. Or well it fooled me that it was lucid. But one thing that I do the ability to remember dreams from years/months ago. Sometimes I even have dreams about the dreams I used to have. Like revisiting a certain dream and knowing I dreamt it before, and doing things differently.
then i woke up cuz everyone was giving birth to worms.. which became ducks.. and my brain couldnt accept that a duck driving a mini firetruck was real enough.. gay.. so i woke up.. :

Rofl. That was by far the funniest thing I've read in a long time.. Gratz dude.
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