First person who post is the l337

ssry i posted the first

Guess again mutard, the first ''post'' doesnt count as a post. Huh weird isnt it? Guees your fucked up brain wont realize it. Make a new topic and make a openings post and go look how many ''post'' and ''views'' it got. You sir are NOT funny and this joke is gettin WAY to old kthxbye FQ
Guess again mutard, the first ''post'' doesnt count as a post. Huh weird isnt it? Guees your fucked up brain wont realize it. Make a new topic and make a openings post and go look how many ''post'' and ''views'' it got. You sir are NOT funny and this joke is gettin WAY to old kthxbye FQ

over my post
(#1 (permalink))

i know you wanna be leet but sorry someone took it before you :drinks_no