"Fix" 8590 bug

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Get Rich.. or something..
Dec 20, 2006
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set not round price

for example: insted 500k -> 501,456 or 501,145 and so
Or insted 1,000,000 -> 1,001,564
then you cant buy 8590 items

no need to set tax 99% or something
if ppl could think u all would get to it already

anyway if someone want use it if no so dont

tested by me looooong time ago
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Everytime you post something I think you are Aylen(bcause of the avatar lol)

Heheheh man nah im not AyleN ( i hope i can be like him and like other gr8 guys : Luca , Rak3 , King ,...)
im just NOOR lols the new member of KAL community "idk how to write it "
and this is an announce ment for all :
(( ALL WAIT the real NOOR COMEING ^_^))
it wont take alot time i just need to finish my studies
((50 days till i finish schools shits for ever :D ))
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Even if it does fix the 8590, people will find other numbers that will let them buy the items the same way. It makes it a bit harder, but the only real fix is to have prices under 400k with taxes at 115%.
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