Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

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May 11, 2004
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Hi all, alot of people don't know how to config their Siege Server online correctly, here i will make a perfect guide for you to put it online and to resolve "account already connected problem".

(Note: This guide was made by me and only me and thanks to m1st4ck for the info long ago. During making of this GUIDE, I didnt look/take on someone else guide and steal info.)

Now the problem is not in your Store Procedure under WZ_DISCONNECT_MEMB and WZ_CONNECT_MEMB. If those procedure got error, then you will notice that your server has Login Freeze. The only thing to resolve this "Already Connected Issue" is to follow this guide.

First off, if you are on a router, forward port 55903 if your Siege Server use that port on statup.
If not, forward something else that your Siege Server using.

Now, go to:
and open hosts.

Now, it will ask you to choose a program to open that file. Select NotePad.

Then you will see something like this:
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

[COLOR=Red][B]       localhost[/B][/COLOR]
Click the last letter t of the word localhost and make a new line. this will allow you to add another IP and the domain.

Now it should be like this:
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host       localhost
[B] mymuserver mumuserverlocal[/B]

Put your IP and name that IP to watever you want. you need to add Local and Global IP.

Now, open your:
and edit the IP.

Make sure to put GLOBAL IP, not Local but GLOBAL. even if you are on a router, use GLOBAL IP. Also the Port of that IP and server code should match the Connectserverlist.dat. if not, you will have trouble warping to Valley of Loren. For the Siege Server link argument, use LOCAL IP, not global. and the last port should match and server code and port of the server code are using.

Forward the following port:

Link Argument for Siege Server:
Lan/Local IP! 55970 Lan/Local IP! 55960 [COLOR="Red"][B]55903[/B][/COLOR]
So it should look:
Code: 55970 55960 [b]55903[/b]

save it and restart your server.

Credits: Liselotte[DWT] and some info from m1st4ck

have fun playing siege server
Last edited:
Re: [Guide]"Fix Account Already Connected" issue

guide updated, have fun and hope you UNDERSTAND it
Re: [Guide]Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

Nice guide!!!

Sometimes windowsXP(no router) choose automatically local IP (like )

IP is not always your local IP, to find that out Start->Run-> cmd, then in msdos type: ipconfig /all
Re: [Guide]Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

Put your IP and name that IP to watever you want.

any ip i want or real ip?:)

btw, how to make that thing working with changing ip?:)

and does it solve problem when sometimes people moves to valley of loren and gets DC?
Re: [Guide]Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

any ip i want or real ip?:)

btw, how to make that thing working with changing ip?:)

and does it solve problem when sometimes people moves to valley of loren and gets DC?

wat i meant was the name, not the IP.

[B][B] [COLOR=Red]mumuserverlocal[/COLOR][/B][/B]
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

man.. its getting annoying.
I've try your guide.. and also the other one in guide forum and nothing. still the same problem. I'm almost giving up.
Anyone with another solution? :(
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

99.6x.. problem when sometimes people got your account already connected (not all the time) isn't in configuration or db procedures - problm is in joinserver/cs_gs (maby normal gs). Castle Siege gs gives your dc, but don't send update packet to joinserver that you are out and joinserver keeps you account as connected to server. How to solve? temporary go to joinserver, find account, disconnect. Permatently? If you are good at coding try modyfing cs_gs.. that's all.. i don't think that poor guides can colve bug like this..
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

99.6x.. problem when sometimes people got your account already connected (not all the time) isn't in configuration or db procedures - problm is in joinserver/cs_gs (maby normal gs). Castle Siege gs gives your dc, but don't send update packet to joinserver that you are out and joinserver keeps you account as connected to server. How to solve? temporary go to joinserver, find account, disconnect. Permatently? If you are good at coding try modyfing cs_gs.. that's all.. i don't think that poor guides can colve bug like this..

I agree 100% I'm testing NO-Router and have the same problem and the message is about something wrong in joinserver
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

I'm testing Router 1.02k and have the "Account Already Connected". I"am fix it (change LOCALIP to GLOBALIP) in joinserver. Its work !
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

I'm testing Router 1.02k and have the "Account Already Connected". I"am fix it (change LOCALIP to GLOBALIP) in joinserver. Its work !

i don't talk what u got DC every time when u try to move to cs_gs, i talk about that u sometimes get account alrerady connected in cs_gs and i am not sure about that bug on 1.02k but it does exist on 99.6x.
Re: [Guide]"Fix Account Already Connected" issue

guide updated, have fun and hope you UNDERSTAND it
YEA i get it bro nice guide but how about if your ip isnt static( permanent ip)
my ip is pppoe(changing ip every 4 or more hours)for now im using no-ip,is it possible to use no-ip or instead of numbers

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host localhost<<<<<< is this rigth <<<<<< is this rigth
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

I can confirm Sv@ike's statement. I am using 99.6xt for 3 months with 30+ players. Unbelievable, I am using the same IP and port settings for server definition and server startup as isolette wrote! In spite of this, if a player get DC while on CS server, his game accout remains connected! This is the only (!) way how to get blocked on CS server in my server. Only solution so far is to restart whole server.

liselotte, with all respect to your work, what is the logic of modifying hosts file?

If you have DNS record for your server e.g. mapped to IP and you are able to ping directly from PC with client, why do you think it is neccessary to have such entry in such PC's hosts file?

Btw, (at least) 99.6xt uses server IP to connect, not a host name...

Real workaround would be a manual tool able to send a disconnect packet to join server for specified game account. It wouldn't be a must to restart whole server...
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

I agree with you. I even posted a guide with the hosts file, because at that time 08/2006 this was the ONLY approche to solve this problem. To be frankly, neither th hosts file nor a DNS will solve this problem. Just for explanantion: in the hosts file are DNS directly resolved. The server looks first in the hosts file to resolve DNS, if he cannot resolve here then he passes to the DNS and if not could resolve with your DNS it goes from there to the root hints or other specified DNS resolvers. ALL THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE "Account already connected problem"!!
Its even more crazy, I made tests on different locations with different computers, and figured out that some computers do not show this problem, others do....
The problem lies in the communication between CS-JS-GS(CS) and even those SQL procedures around here do not solve the problem 100%!
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

I agree with you. I even posted a guide with the hosts file, because at that time 08/2006 this was the ONLY approche to solve this problem. To be frankly, neither th hosts file nor a DNS will solve this problem. Just for explanantion: in the hosts file are DNS directly resolved. The server looks first in the hosts file to resolve DNS, if he cannot resolve here then he passes to the DNS and if not could resolve with your DNS it goes from there to the root hints or other specified DNS resolvers. ALL THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE "Account already connected problem"!!
Its even more crazy, I made tests on different locations with different computers, and figured out that some computers do not show this problem, others do....
The problem lies in the communication between CS-JS-GS(CS) and even those SQL procedures around here do not solve the problem 100%!

so this guide is useless? :sleeping:
Re: [Guide] Fix "Account Already Connected" issue

you noob say watever you want but this guide fix 100%