Fixed EXP GS FW v449

Jul 2, 2012
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Don't know if this is consider a tutorial, but just trying to spread the words, so after messing around with gs file I finally found out why it wouldn't give exp, the answer was in the gs.config file because AntiWallow = False that is why the gs didnt give out the changes (though I may be wrong) so if you set it to true the gs will work properly now (I tested it) and Bola rate changer works fine nothing wrong with it, its the same as hexing basicly.

Here is a picture of it:
p0zmwXj - Fixed EXP GS FW v449 - RaGEZONE Forums

Henry Quest times task rate which is x3000
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Literally all of it. The server won't let me edit it. I mean, I save the changes and I place it both in gqueryd and fw client/data but I get service failed each time I try to buy an item I placed inside a shop.

Which shop cash or npc shop? If npc shop then it works just fine just make sure everything is correct (Also Guild Merit Exchange is different when editing items you have to edit its packed file like scroll or gems when you search for the ids), if cash shop then you have to edit the with the gshop editor. are working properly as of what I tested so far.
Which shop cash or npc shop? If npc shop then it works just fine just make sure everything is correct (Also Guild Merit Exchange is different when editing items you have to edit its packed file like scroll or gems when you search for the ids), if cash shop then you have to edit the with the gshop editor. are working properly as of what I tested so far.

In the WOS server files, before v449, someone gave out a repack with mailbox items, and sealed zodiacs at Armorer. I tried replicating it on the v449 server by doing the same thing he did, but it kept giving me 'Service failed' when I tried buying the zodiac at the Armorer shop.
ah, that the problem with v449 its not the same as WOS also WOS uses a different sELedit if you compare both of them its written differently you can still add those items but its going to be a little complex.
should work fine i used the 'fun' that was shared here and ive modified it a dozen times on my live server already including removal and adding of items so im not sure what the problem for you is

Used that, placed it into gqueryd and gamed/config AND in my client's data folder and I still get service failed.

I tried downloading the same file again and doing what you said, and now I get 'Invalid request for service'
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than i really dont know.
the only time i get a invalid service request has been when server/client data files arent in synch, for example client data file has item X in a certain npc shop but the server doesnt.

Does it have anything to do with the client being ver.453 and server 449? Because the is smaller than the client's original

And, could you please send me your for testing? I don't really know what to do.
Literally all of it. The server won't let me edit it. I mean, I save the changes and I place it both in gqueryd and fw client/data but I get service failed each time I try to buy an item I placed inside a shop.

i know this is way late but if you edit the you have to edit the elements.server file to and put the two files in gamed/config folder and the file in the client/data folder