Florida on thursday :D:D:D:D!!!!!

Celtic F.C #1
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Goin to florida on thursday just thought id let ya'll know im goin wont be missed prolly lol...

So ill post about it in 2 wks :D

bye *waves then moonies :D*
lol just add my profile to favorites if u wanna c my boobs lol went to florida wen i was 5 mum said tower of terror was a simulator - fucking shat ma pants wen it dropped us lol!
go to disney land and get me mickey hats and hook up with a old gay guy

anywho good luck go on rollercoasters
have fun in fl i go there every summer, i only live a few hours away.
DarkBahamut said:
I disagree, Northern Ireland has it all, petrol bombers, underground drug squads, clan wars(UDA/UVF/UFF/UYM/IRA etc.) miles upon miles of green fields full of cows(and manure during spring :P) ANDDDDDDDDD me! :D

Northern ireland rocks tbh -_-

i grow weed on my balcony..
Kaoii767 said:
i only live about 4-5 hours from florida.. ill be going there next summer on holiday though =)

Be sure to bring a goofy outfit with you, lolz!
Orlando Studios sucks so bad, disney2win! Ride the buzzlight year ride, that one kicks serious ass! I was one it for about three days in a row, and I made it to the last room... to kill zerg!