for people who STILL play FFXI

Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
i just got the game and i was wondering if anyone still plays here i DONT want your opinions i DONT want your bitching just


havent started yet and i would be nice to someone that i can play with

Name: Bluehawkk
Server: Phoenix
Lvl: 21/8
Job: Warrior/Blkmage
Exclamatio your either a idiot or a moron... and you are both he said not to say any opinions at all... If i ever get a chance to get this game ill play with you all :)
Alexdude said:
Exclamatio your either a idiot or a moron... and you are both he said not to say any opinions at all... If i ever get a chance to get this game ill play with you all :)

...HAHA that makes my day.. i hate to burst your bubble alex but ex is a one of the best mods on here and i think he was being sarcastic
Alexdude said:
Exclamatio your either a idiot or a moron... and you are both he said not to say any opinions at all... If i ever get a chance to get this game ill play with you all :)

quiet j00
i feel sorry for him..anyway please stay with topic its boring not knowing anyone
hmm i dunno wheater i should move from lineage 2 to this hmmm ????
if you dont wanna spend a lot of money or dont have alot of space on your computer stick with lineage

cause if you get windows version thats 50$ and it takes up almost half my computer

or if you wanna do the ps2 thats 80$ + 33$ for network adaptor+ 20-30$ for the ps2/xbox special keyboard.. if your rich go ahead

and if you are interested i suggest you read a few things in here

and the ps2 version doesnt come with the "rise of zilart" expansion pack

i do my research:good:
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Actually PS2 does come with RoZ, I have both PC and PS2 version, cause I play on PC and my sis plays PS2 ;P
yep yep, good fun... and I know lotsa ppl that could help if you decide to play there ^^