Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux

Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
1. Basic Requirements

COMMAND~: apt-get update
COMMAND~: apt-get install unrar
COMMAND~: apt-get install openssh-server ( if you use Vbox )

1.1 Basic Tools


2. Install FW-Server Repack Bola
•Change root directory
COMMAND~: cd /

•Download servers files repacked and upload on your linux, on / folder
Link of Repacked files :

COMMAND~: cd /
COMMAND~: unrar x FWServer.rar

•Remove the old unpacked files
COMMAND~: rm -f FWServer.rar

•Set Permissions on servers files
COMMAND~: chmod -R 0777 /FWServer

3. Install Libraries

•Install Java Runtime Environment
COMMAND~: apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

•For Linux 64 Bits

COMMAND~: apt-get install ia32-libs

• after this will exec a setup file to send libraries on respective folders on
COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

•Don't worry if the putty print some error about copy or ld files directory

4. Install Mysql

• First install MySQL, during installation you'll be asked for a root password, remember it!

COMMAND~: apt-get install mysql-server

•After installation you can import the base table scheme.
Replace the PASSWORD in the following command with your mysql password

COMMAND~: mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -h localhost </FWServer/.setup/pwdb.sql

•after this, needs change password on table.xml

COMMAND~: sed s/password=\"root\"/password=\"PASSWORD\"/g /etc/table.xml > /etc/

COMMAND~: mv -f /etc/ /etc/table.xml

5. Install Apache Webserver

COMMAND~: apt-get install apache2
COMMAND~: apt-get install php5 php5-gd php5-mysql php5-pgsql php5-imap php-pear php-auth php5-ming
COMMAND~: apt-get install php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-curl php5-mcrypt libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt php5-mysql

6. Install Register
•with Winscp go to directory /FWServer/.setup/register/
•Find the file and open config.php
•where says "passwd" you put your mysql password
•move this folder to /var/www/
•now you can register your account in the link

7. Start Server

COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

•Wait to final startup script

8. Update Ranking
COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

8. Client to connect
Link :

•Install the client go to folder /Forsaken World/update/
•copy and replace actual file with this:
•edit the ip with IP of your linux server FW
•run game.exe and connect

9. Obs
• This server pack no requires Glinkd modification
• Questions in this same topic
• This tutorial as made in Ubuntu OS linux 11.04

10. Credits


A4RtCJr - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

ST1kMin - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

vHudTzu - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums
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Dear community,
the unrar-package must be installed from the repository "non-free".
The people who have errors with "unrar", check your "sources.list" in "/etc/apt"
and add the repository "non-free" at the end of the lines.
The package "unrar-free" doesn't work (skipping some files).

People, who are using debian wheezy and who have problems to install the "ia32-libs".

After each changes make an "apt-get update"

The command "./" isn't available.
But the command "./"

Same problem with Client, but the best guide on ragezone till today,
to setup a clean server.

Thank you very much!

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1. Basic Requirements

COMMAND~: apt-get update
COMMAND~: apt-get install unrar
COMMAND~: apt-get install openssh-server ( if you use Vbox )

1.1 Basic Tools


2. Install FW-Server Repack Bola
•Change root directory
COMMAND~: cd /

•Download servers files repacked and upload on your linux, on / folder
Link of Repacked files :

COMMAND~: cd /
COMMAND~: unrar x FWServer.rar

•Remove the old unpacked files
COMMAND~: rm -f FWServer.rar

•Set Permissions on servers files
COMMAND~: chmod -R 0777 /FWServer

3. Install Libraries

•Install Java Runtime Environment
COMMAND~: apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

•For Linux 64 Bits

COMMAND~: apt-get install ia32-libs

• after this will exec a setup file to send libraries on respective folders on
COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

•Don't worry if the putty print some error about copy or ld files directory

4. Install Mysql

• First install MySQL, during installation you'll be asked for a root password, remember it!

COMMAND~: apt-get install mysql-server

•After installation you can import the base table scheme.
Replace the PASSWORD in the following command with your mysql password

COMMAND~: mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -h localhost </FWServer/.setup/pwdb.sql

•after this, needs change password on table.xml

COMMAND~: sed s/password=\"root\"/password=\"PASSWORD\"/g /etc/table.xml > /etc/

COMMAND~: mv -f /etc/ /etc/table.xml

5. Install Apache Webserver

COMMAND~: apt-get install apache2
COMMAND~: apt-get install php5 php5-gd php5-mysql php5-pgsql php5-imap php-pear php-auth php5-ming
COMMAND~: apt-get install php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-curl php5-mcrypt libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt php5-mysql

6. Install Register
•with Winscp go to directory /FWServer/.setup/register/
•Find the file and open config.php
•where says "passwd" you put your mysql password
•move this folder to /var/www/
•now you can register your account in the link

7. Start Server

COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

•Wait to final startup script

8. Update Ranking
COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

8. Client to connect
Link :

•Install the client go to folder /Forsaken World/update/
•copy and replace actual file with this:
•edit the ip with IP of your linux server FW
•run game.exe and connect

9. Obs
• This server pack no requires Glinkd modification
• Questions in this same topic
• This tutorial as made in Ubuntu OS linux 11.04

10. Credits


A4RtCJr - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

ST1kMin - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

vHudTzu - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

how to upload the server file on linux?sorry if i ask because i dont know
Simply use WinSCP

I installed a graphical desktop environment and and some other usefull programms on my Server. So i don't need any Windows-Clients.
I know, Servers are no Desktop-Computers. But for my Nonpublic-Server it was the right way, I think.
You can do it with sql-command in phpmyadmin or navicat.
In phpmyadmin look for database "FW" in the pulldownmenu on the left side. Select it.
Then you will see the database of "FW". Select users.
On the table you will see the registered users with their ID, names, encrypted passwords, etc.
You can also see the account you have made of your own. Look at your account-name and write the ID a sheet of paper.
Then click on "SQL" in the menu on the top. A new window will appear. Delete the entry by keyboard. Now you have a clean window.
Now you can enter your SQL-command.

ID means the number you have written on your sheet of paper.

call usecash (ID , 1, 0, 19, 0, 1000000, 1, ERROR)

Put this command in the window with Copy and Paste.

When your ID is 1136 then change ID with the number like this

call usecash (1136, 1, 0, 19, 0, 1000000, 1, ERROR)

Click "OK"

When you see a popup window on the top with a green market the everything is okay.

On this way you can also make a GM-acount like this

call addGM (ID , 1)

I hope you understand it.

Greetings from Bluebyte
i already copy the file into server then stuck at the 2. Install FW-Server Repack Bola
•Change root directory
COMMAND~: cd /
Hey, what is your issue exactly? What is it that you are stuck at and what is it doing?
Head Dev/GM of Dead Legion FW
If you stucked to unrar the archive then take a look at my posting on the top.

I you don't know in which directory you are then type pwd. When you see only a slash
then you are in the root-directory.

The Root-Directory is not the Directory Of The Root

The directory of the root in LINUX is calling /root
The rootdirectory in linux is /

The LINUX-group root is the same as the Windows-group Administrators

I think that some peoples must make a Linux-training before they are able to install a gameserver.

I learned the linux-system in 1995 on an i386-machine. I still remember October 1996 when KDE
was born and DLD-Distribution (Deutsche Linux Distribution).

I recommed all new users to install the midnight-commander. It's very helpfull.
It has an included editor that firstly must be configured in the menu on the top.
You can also handle archieves like folders when the needed programms
are installed on the machine.

apt-get install mc

Run it with mc
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First to say thx for the guide its indeed the best so far for setting up a clean 0.331 server.

Now to the problem with the client being outdated when trying to connect to gameserver. I have the same problem and after looking at logs and compairing files, here is what I found:

server syslog:

info : TcpManager OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===
Cannot load common data automation crontab. check file commondataauto.txt.
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
TRACE : gdeliveryd::Max player allowed is 15000
info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=8.
TRACE : unamed::OnAddSession: sid=7
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : gdelivery::connect to gauthd successfully.
err : gdelivery:: connect QueryServer failed
info : logclient: OnAddSession
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect

it would seem that gdeliveryd cant connect to gqueryd for some reason.
on the other hand the gqueryd log is empty.
I also cant find anywhere the file commondataauto.txt

I'm sorry to say but I really don't know how to handle the redhat4 VM in otherwise I would have done more extensive compare of the two servers maybe I could find out a solution to the problem, but that redhat there doesn't have any software installation capabilities or at least mc to brouse files and my Linux knowledge is not that old style to be able to do it with shell commands.

Hope this info can help fix the server
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