Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux

just upload your of data folder of client forsaken world to server folder /FWServer/gamed/config/ and problem will solve

I tried that, even tried changing the, but still gives me client version out of date.
Bola, also, do you think i need to add port to firewall so that people can connect?

Edit: now i'm getting unable to connect the server xD
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Bola,por favor pode colocar download VMWare Image 32 Bits ou não existe serve em 32-bits ?

Please can you put download VMWare Image 32 Bits serves or does not exist in 32-bit?
Having major headaches, gs crashes due to the elements data it seems
Thenther ei fact the only EL Editor out for last release here that Ihad server up with will not open this so back to no tools IF get this working
Rankings work u said fixed, what about ERA progressiona nd HellRoad, they repaired also on this release?
jlLeuJX - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

got same problem :(: how to slove this problem
1. Basic Requirements

COMMAND~: apt-get update
COMMAND~: apt-get install unrar
COMMAND~: apt-get install openssh-server ( if you use Vbox )

1.1 Basic Tools


2. Install FW-Server Repack Bola
•Change root directory
COMMAND~: cd /

•Download servers files repacked and upload on your linux, on / folder
Link of Repacked files :

COMMAND~: cd /
COMMAND~: unrar x FWServer.rar

•Remove the old unpacked files
COMMAND~: rm -f FWServer.rar

•Set Permissions on servers files
COMMAND~: chmod -R 0777 /FWServer

3. Install Libraries

•Install Java Runtime Environment
COMMAND~: apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

•For Linux 64 Bits

COMMAND~: apt-get install ia32-libs

• after this will exec a setup file to send libraries on respective folders on
COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

•Don't worry if the putty print some error about copy or ld files directory

4. Install Mysql

• First install MySQL, during installation you'll be asked for a root password, remember it!

COMMAND~: apt-get install mysql-server

•After installation you can import the base table scheme.
Replace the PASSWORD in the following command with your mysql password

COMMAND~: mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -h localhost </FWServer/.setup/pwdb.sql

•after this, needs change password on table.xml

COMMAND~: sed s/password=\"root\"/password=\"PASSWORD\"/g /etc/table.xml > /etc/

COMMAND~: mv -f /etc/ /etc/table.xml

5. Install Apache Webserver

COMMAND~: apt-get install apache2
COMMAND~: apt-get install php5 php5-gd php5-mysql php5-pgsql php5-imap php-pear php-auth php5-ming
COMMAND~: apt-get install php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-curl php5-mcrypt libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt php5-mysql

6. Install Register
•with Winscp go to directory /FWServer/.setup/register/
•Find the file and open config.php
•where says "passwd" you put your mysql password
•move this folder to /var/www/
•now you can register your account in the link

7. Start Server

COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

•Wait to final startup script

8. Update Ranking
COMMAND~: cd /FWServer

8. Client to connect
Link :

•Install the client go to folder /Forsaken World/update/
•copy and replace actual file with this:
•edit the ip with IP of your linux server FW
•run game.exe and connect

9. Obs
• This server pack no requires Glinkd modification
• Questions in this same topic
• This tutorial as made in Ubuntu OS linux 11.04

10. Credits


A4RtCJr - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

ST1kMin - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

vHudTzu - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums
Cannot load common data automation crontab. check file commondataauto.txt.
TRACE : gdeliveryd::Max player allowed is 15000
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect to GACD failed!
TRACE : TopIncOnline:ClearTopInc
TRACE : KingdomManager.DailyProcess.zero_clock=1396152000
TRACE : AuctionMarket::OnDBConnect. init_market=0,sid=12
TRACE : KingdomWarManager:OnDBConnect:connect !!! sid=12
TRACE : gdelivery::connect to gauthd successfully.
info : logclient: OnAddSession
err : gdelivery:: connect QueryServer failed
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
err : gdelivery:: connect QueryServer failed
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect to GACD failed!
TRACE : BitVec Resize=45703
TRACE : gqueryd:kingdom_base_open_pray_value=2000000, kwar_open_pray_value=3500000
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20406
TRACE : gqueryd:award tmpl loading:id=20407
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20418
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20419
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20420
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20421
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20428
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20440
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20441
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20442
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20443
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20444
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20445
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20446
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20447
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20448
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20449
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20450
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20451
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20452
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20453
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20454
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20455
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20456
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20457
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20458
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20459
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20460
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20461
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20462
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20463
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20464
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20465
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20466
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20467
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20468
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20469
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20470
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20471
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20472
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20473
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20474
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20475
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20476
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20477
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20478
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20479
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20480
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20481
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20482
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20483
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20484
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20485
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20486
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20487
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20488
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20489
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20490
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20491
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20492
TRACE : gqueryd:era tmpl loading:id=20565
TRACE : era: 0 0 500000
TRACE : era: 1 500000 2000000
TRACE : era: 2 2000000 3500000
TRACE : era: 3 3500000 5000000
TRACE : era: 4 5000000 6500000
TRACE : era: 5 6500000 8500000
TRACE : era: 6 8500000 11000000
TRACE : era: 7 11000000 20000000
TRACE : era: 8 20000000 21000000
TRACE : era: 9 21000000 22000000
TRACE : era: 10 22000000 23000000
TRACE : era: 11 23000000 24000000
TRACE : era: 12 24000000 25000000
TRACE : era: 13 25000000 26000000
TRACE : era: 14 26000000 27000000
TRACE : gqueryd:award tmpl loading:id=20583
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22290
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22291
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22292
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22293
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22294
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22295
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22296
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22297
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22298
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22299
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22300
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22301
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22302
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22303
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22304
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22305
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22306
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22307
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22308
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22309
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22310
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22311
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22312
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22313
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22314
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22315
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22316
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22317
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22318
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22319
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22320
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22591
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22592
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22593
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22608
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22609
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22610
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22611
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22612
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22613
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22890
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22891
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
err : Connect from deliveryserver sid=7
TRACE : tmpl data load: star_tmpl_count=96, era_tmpl_count=1
err : Query Server Connected!!!
TRACE : AuctionMarket::OnQueryConnect.sid=26
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : gquerykwarregister:star_tpls_size=94:award_tpls_size=2
TRACE : KingdomWarManager:InitKWarTplData:open=0:tpl_init=1:db_load=0:clear_db=0
err : kwar:pray_val not reach:cur_val=0:require_val=3500000
TRACE : checkpoint end.
=== DONE! ===

=== GLINKD ===
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect to GACD failed!
info : info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect to GACD failed!
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint end.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
=== DONE! ===

=== Realm [URL=]#1[/URL]  ===
=== DONE! ===
=== Jakarta / Iweb ===
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
=== DONE! ===

=                      ALL REALMS LOADED!                     =
=                 SERVERS ARE UP AND RUNNING!                 =
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : TRACE : checkpoint end.checkpoint end.

TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect to GACD failed!
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
err : dbgetcommondata: rpc timeout. Resend request.
err : dbkingdombaseload: rpc timeout. Resend request.
err : dbauctionload: rpc timeout. Resend request.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
info : info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
err : dbkwarload:rpc timeout:Resend request
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TRACE : checkpoint begin.checkpoint begin.

TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
warning : dbgettoptable: rpc timeout 1.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
info : logclienttcp: OnAbortSession
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
err : dbstockload: rpc timeout. Resend request.
err : dbgetcommondata: rpc timeout. Resend request.
err : dbkingdombaseload: rpc timeout. Resend request.
help plizz
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I ran into a problem server started with no problem and I have the website up for the user accounts and I can creat a user account and login to the server now for the problem I cant create a character on the server and I don't know why plz help
just upload your of data folder of client forsaken world to server folder /FWServer/gamed/config/ and problem will solve

done that, not solve.
jlLeuJX - Forsaken World War of Shadows Install Tutorial for linux - RaGEZONE Forums

got same problem :(: how to slove this problem

I have been working on these files for 2 days now, have tried different clients and still get the "Client Version out-of-date" issue.
Ive tried the posted fixes and still the same issue.

Does anyone have any ideas about this error?,,, that they were able to use to correct it?

( Update: I was able to discover my issue by following this thread. )
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@DevilSpeak Johannes Frank Out of date means your client data and your server data does not match make sure you copy all the files from your client data in to yourserverfile/gamed/config and copy the element data from your client to gqueryd. After that make sure your table.xml match your mysql database. That is the same exact problem I ran into and I solve it. Otherwise your firewall is blocking it or your ip is mismatch and also what slawdos said.

P.S Always check your syslog its your best friend.

P.S.S And dont say its still says "out of date" either you didnt read what I say or didnt put the file in the right place or your client is not v331 Client.
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