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ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap | V0.84

Junior Spellweaver
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Step 1 Requirements


Step 2 Installation

1 - sudo passwd root / Create root pass
1° - su root / login as root
2 - apt-get update
2° - apt-get upgrade
3 - apt-get install openssh-server
4 - apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
5 - apt-get install apache2
6 - apt-get install mysql-server
7 - apt-get install php5
8 - apt-get install php5-mysql
9 - apt-get install phpmyadmin
10 - apt-get install mc
11 - apt-get install ia32-libs

Step 3 Full Repack Server V0.84 download > ADDED NEW MIRROR

PWD: wofgames.com.br

Step 4 Full Client Download & Patch

Mine Guide

use step 1°, Download and install ubuntu

use step 2°, Execute all commands in terminal

use step 3°, Download Server files Repack and Send to ubuntu

Step 4°, Change ips in
>>>>>>> /root/phprap/gamed/gmserver.conf
>>>>>>> /root/phprap/gamed/gs.conf

Step 5°, Change pwd in
>>>>>>> /etc/table.xml
>>>>>>> /var/www/config.php

Step 6°, Access
>>>>>>> Execute sql files, FW_tabels.sql, FW_procedures.sql

Step 7° Send all lib to folder /lib and /lib32

Step 8° Execute privileges 0777
>>>>>>> chmod -R 777 /root
>>>>>>> chmod -R 777 /usr/java
>>>>>>> ldconfig /lib
>>>>>>> ldconfig /lib32

Step 9° Create account

Step 10° Start Server, execute in Terminal
>>>>>>> cd /root
>>>>>>> ./start

Step 11° Install Client and patch, change ip
>>>>>>> \Forsaken World\update\server.lua


this error when starting the gs
./gs: symbol lookup error: ./gs: undefined symbol: _Z17LoadTasksFromPackP14elementdatamanPKcS2_S2_P9lua_State

use this command in terminal
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib


call addGM (ID , 1) > ADD GM

call usecash (ID , 1, 0, 19, 0, 1000000, 1, @error) > ADD CASH


Gshop Edit > pwd: kaixin / chinese version by: mcncc

Gshop Edit > eng version / post by: nofxpunkerbrian

> post by: MorzE

> by chinese
pwd: wofgames.com.br

> by chetoss, russo
pwd: wofgames.com.br

TOOL FW sELedit, Post by: nofxpunkerbrian

Ok as promised...

NOTE: Read below before attempting to use this tool!

- DO NOT save your elements.data or modify it, this is for structure analysis use only until we have the correct configs down, I have put a lot of the fields as int32 when quite a few should be float, double etc do not complain if you save it like a noob and screw your files up.

- The functions are not available that are for the PW Services don't use em or they will just screw your .data file up.

- I have modified SELEdit source to ignore List 59 Raw Data request so dont use this tool for pw development.

- I am releasing this as a community project, if you wish for more releases lets work together as a community and figure the field, list and structure out together as a community.

Credit to:
- Dwar and Skand from: as I used their structure as a basis to complete this editor.

- Ronny for his SELedit source.

FW sELedit.rar


Can I also add I done this on the basis of V75-81 English release, I had the link for the client earlier on through this thread.

I find it funny on how quiet this project is becoming..... Ill keep all my other tools, fixes etc private from now on :)

EDIT RATES, Post by: nofxpunkerbrian

After some messing around with the files on different O/S's best O/S to select from is RedHat, not only will you come across issues with Realm Name but Immortal Rift, Instance Timers and also some AI Scripts will not load correctly.

So yeah stick with RedHat, I have not tried Centos however, maybe it will also run nice on this due to the binaries being similar?

Modifying Rates without IWeb or ASM!
If you use the sEledit I released earlier on through the thread you will be able to modify and save elements.data file successfully so please use this when following the guide.

To edit... Soul Coin Rate, Drop Rate and Experience Rate you only need to follow the below guide, there are only 2 Lists to modify so not much work to do. As far as making the work faster this is upto you, grab sEledit Source and write something to read the list and modify the fields 1 by 1 x by the amount you require.

- Go to List 19 (Monsters)
- Go to Field Number: 183
- This Field is the Drop Loop basically this is the count it uses to loop the Drop Tables selected over and over.
- x this by any amount you require.

Soul Coins:
- Go to List 19 (Monsters)
- Go to Field Numbers: 197, 198, 199, 200
- These fields are the Soul Coins rate.
- x this by any amount you require.

You need to edit 2 tables 1 for the amount and 1 for the Level Experience Limit.

- Go to List 19 (Monsters)
- Go to Field Number: 75
- This is the experience the monster will give.
- x this by any amount you require.

Now for the Level Exp Limit for example at level 1 the max exp you can gain from a mob kill is 3 experience.

- Go to List 51 (Upgrade Curve)
- Go to Field Number: 2602
- This is the beginning for Level 1 all the way down is the rest of the levels so from 2602-2682 is lvl 1-80.
- x each field downwards by the amount you require.

Hope this helps everyone

IWEB, Edit Level, Exp, etc..

phprap - ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap |  V0.84 - RaGEZONE Forums

With the server powered on, Open your terminal and run the commands

>>>>>> chmod -R 777 /opt
>>>>>> cd /opt/jakarta/bin
>>>>>> ./startup.sh
phprap - ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap |  V0.84 - RaGEZONE Forums

IWEB ON!, Now go to the game and see the ID of your character.

phprap - ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap |  V0.84 - RaGEZONE Forums

Now Log out your account to edit the character


click in Modify role data and edite your character.

phprap - ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap |  V0.84 - RaGEZONE Forums

phprap - ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap |  V0.84 - RaGEZONE Forums

Now enter the game and see the result

phprap - ForsakenWorld | Repack by: phprap |  V0.84 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
OMFG I know it's not fully uploaded yet but +rep!!!
Does this include authserver?

Will this work with any other Linux Distro such as CentOS?
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
sorry bothering you but, my gs is getting this error

./gs: symbol lookup error: ./gs: undefined symbol: _Z17LoadTasksFromPackP14elementdatamanPKcS2_S2_P9lua_State

and its not starting :/ any ideas?
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
sorry bothering you but, my gs is getting this error

./gs: symbol lookup error: ./gs: undefined symbol: _Z17LoadTasksFromPackP14elementdatamanPKcS2_S2_P9lua_State

and its not starting :/ any ideas?


use files .profile and .bash_profile in folder /root reboot now or execute command in terminal

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, phprap. Its freaking working now! Just one more question...Is it only me but sometimes the client gives a message "Unable to Connect", then you try again and its fine.
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks, phprap. Its freaking working now! Just one more question...Is it only me but sometimes the client gives a message "Unable to Connect", then you try again and its fine.

it also happens to me sometimes, I think it's a delay for connection, try clicking on the server, and to wait 2-3 seconds before attempting to log.
Initiate Mage
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score

Gshop Edit > pwd: kaixin / chinese version by: mcncc

Gshop Edit > eng version / post by: nofxpunkerbrian

FW_Item_Reader > post by: MorzE

Npcgen.data edit > by chinese

Please, tell me password open this File Npcgen.data edit > by chinese
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score

Gshop Edit > pwd: kaixin / chinese version by: mcncc

Gshop Edit > eng version / post by: nofxpunkerbrian

FW_Item_Reader > post by: MorzE

Npcgen.data edit > by chinese

Please, tell me password open this File Npcgen.data edit > by chinese

sorry, pwd is wofgames.com.br
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
When I try to login I get no available realm. Anybody got a fix for this?
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
When I try to login I get no available realm. Anybody got a fix for this?

follow the tutorial, not change ips and you will not have error.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
follow the tutorial, not change ips and you will not have error.

As far as I know I never, but I guess I'll start again and get back to you.

edit: Followed it perfectly with new files. Exactly the same error.

When I change IP's do I change them to the 192.168.... or to

This is what happens when I login:
TRACE : gdelivery::matrixpasswd query, user=halo636
GQueryPasswd:account is halo636 , login ip is
gauthd: 18 Apr 2012 13:00:35,336  INFO GAuthServer:? - UserLogin:userid=1024,sid=13,aid=19,zoneid=1,remaintime=0,free_time_left=0,free_time_end=0,func=0,funcparm=0,creatime=1334774755,adduppoint=0,soldpoint=0
TRACE : gdelivery::userlogin,user=1024,proxy=20,localsid=13,ret=0,isgm=0,func=0,param=0,free=0,remain=0
TRACE : gdelivery:: statusannounce: user 1024(roleid=0) offline, onlineuser count is 1
gauthd: 18 Apr 2012 13:00:35,574  INFO GAuthServer:? - UserLogout::User 1024 logout successfully.

Update: Error Solved. Caused by Lack of RAM. Make sure you use over 2048MB of RAM!
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi. vendetta or fwprivate client how working? no 511 version?