Found alot of bugs on Angel's Server L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
First of all... the Hp And Mana Gainage is messed.. dont get any hp or mana per level... and you dont get very much sp... I killed a orc and got 1 sp from it... Skills are screwed... the skill person just says "I have nothing to say to you" and Self-heal heals a monster instead of yourself O_O And windstrike doesn't damage the enemy.

Monster reaction is messed because once you hit it it just stands there then it finally when having about 50% of its hp and it comes at you.

Arrows are unlimited.. :P
isn't that something you should report to PureAngel anyway... what were you trying to accomplish by posting this?
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<locked> Please use the personal message feature oh wait again im not mod i dont know wtf all suden my powes went.
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