Freaky Songs

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1000 Posts 20 Happy Years
Aug 16, 2003
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Between Heaven and Hell
Post any freaky songs you find on the net here..heres one I found...

'Idiot Boyfriend' by Jimmy Fallon <-- Scary

I'd edit this list if I find anymore =P
Adam Sandler? Since when does he makes music, he sang "i'm so pretty" in anger management pretty well though. o.O
MentaL said:
Westlife - Mandy
Lol all their songs are scary. :rofl:

Btw why is that name so familiar again.... oh yeah that's DTB's name in the weekends. :tp:
Nik-C said:
Cheeky Girls - Cheeky Song
Yach they r scary. How the fuck did they ended up in showbiz.
Try some timo mass. His songs tend to have that old horror movie sound in them.(not very scary actualy, doubt it will scare anyone but his muzik is good)
Exclamatio said:
search 4 his audio files on kazaa bro

medium pace
piece of shit carthe hannukah song
talking goat (not really a song still funny)

theres loads but those 4 seemed to hit me 1st lol

my m8s got 2 or 3 of his cds proper funny lol
ive heard a song of his called lunch lady befor it was pretty cool :)