Free Private Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everyone! Come try out my new private server (Unholy Alliance Server) for version 1.12.1 or 1.12.2. Its free and a new, reliable server. It was just launched 2 days ago and already there is over 20 members! the website is It is online 24/7 and has virtually no lag. Just change your realmlist to:

set realmlist

Here are some of our alternative sites incase the other one doesn't work out for you.

To set it up either go to the website or read the following:

Setup Steps:
1) Download WoW and update to version 1.12.1 or 1.12.2. (Make sure it's the English Version)
2) After installing, go to your WoW folder (c:/program Files/World of Warcraft *probably*) and locate the file:
3) Open this file with notepad or wordpad and change the Realmlist to the following:
set realmlist
4) Go to in internet explorer, or any browser, and create an account. You can also hit the "Create Account" button above.
5) The final step: Log in to the game. Make a character. Don't cheat. Follow the rules.Have fun!