Friday nights...

Feb 19, 2003
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since im bored at work and i have like 20 mins till i go home i thought i would post this to find out wot ppl do on firday nights.

normally i go down to the pub with my mates and get drunk or just cinema (ps solares, if u and foo are coming out fone me) but if all fails like lack of money and no access to my gf i think i will stay in and have a pot noodle and a biiiig wank :D
QuikS said:
since im bored at work and i have like 20 mins till i go home i thought i would post this to find out wot ppl do on firday nights.

normally i go down to the pub with my mates and get drunk or just cinema (ps solares, if u and foo are coming out fone me) but if all fails like lack of money and no access to my gf i think i will stay in and have a pot noodle and a biiiig wank :D

Talk to friends and sex0r kitten :p/wank/play mir/goto the LAN with morph/watch tv/wank before bed

lol. :)
same thing every friday

go training 10am - 2pm
fitness work 1st then onto the weights

chill on pc for a bit maybe crack off

training again 4:30pm-8pm (or 6:30 if im 2 tired)

see if anythings happening, if not onto the pc for a late night gaming sesh

crack off


crack off

wake up saturday
2nights gona be shit for me :(. If you can get to where i live chris we can go down my local :p. If not then im gona watch a movie :(. Oh well...... ive told foo hes doing somthing 2morow night... will hopefully involve the cinema followed by a large amount of alchol :). (withdrawing loads of cash from my saveings account 2morow to..... help me out haha)
Solares said:
2nights gona be shit for me :(. If you can get to where i live chris we can go down my local :p. If not then im gona watch a movie :(. Oh well...... ive told foo hes doing somthing 2morow night... will hopefully involve the cinema followed by a large amount of alchol :). (withdrawing loads of cash from my saveings account 2morow to..... help me out haha)

lol koo, how much dyou get paid now?
Solares said:
2nights gona be shit for me :(. If you can get to where i live chris we can go down my local :p. If not then im gona watch a movie :(. Oh well...... ive told foo hes doing somthing 2morow night... will hopefully involve the cinema followed by a large amount of alchol :). (withdrawing loads of cash from my saveings account 2morow to..... help me out haha)

well nope i cant get up, im just listen in to music and talking to my gf :D