Friend cant connect, has tried Everything!

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score

I followed this guide
I double checked everything and made sure I didnt do anything wrong or miss anything.

I used Navicat to open my mangos SQL>realmd>realmlist and I put my WAN IP into the address box.
I edited my Hosts file and put in my LAN IP (space) then my WAN IP(or dnsserver)
I enabled ports 3443, 8085, 3724 on my norton firewall(for connections I put "Connections TO other computers")

My friend typed my new dns server into his realmlist, and it still didnt work.

What did I miss? Or what did HE miss?
You mean into my SQL>realmd>realmlist file?

I think I MIGHT have found the problem but Im not sure..
Well when I enabled ports on Norton 3442, 8085, 3724...I did 3442 instead of 3443(which i heard its supposed to be), and I opened the ports on Remote only, so I opened them to Local too.

I dont know if this works because my friend cant try it right now because hes eating out for about 2 hours

My realm is
Can anyone here try logging into my server please? I have my Server running, and am logged in.

I made an account for whoever is gonna help to see if it works
account: Tester
pass: testing
Turns out it still didnt work..

I just cant figure it out! Ive been searching around here, and have been trying to also figure this out on my own for about 3 days now.. :(
If you read, he had.

Xinthus you may need to edit your server IP to your current ip - which is mostly everyones IP. You also need to reset your server and he needs to change the realmlist and reset the WoW Client (just close and reopen).
The alternative to that is hamachi...
Get hamachi, set up a network and tell him the username and password to the server, Your IP on the 'hamachi network' has to match your realmd, realmlist and full server. for him he has to put the same ip. Then he has to try to log in lol... GL hoped this helped
Hold on,

I wasnt really sure how to open up ports so maybe that could be the problem..

My firewall is Norton Personal Firewall, and I went to Configure>Advanced>General>Add,

Then I Check Permit, and I choose "Connections to and from other Computers", then I chose to Permit "any computer" then it asks me to choose what protocols to permit, I select "TCP and UDP", then below it, it asks what "types of communication or ports do you want to permit?" I chose "Only the types of communications or ports listed below," and clicked on "Add". Then I chose "Individually specified ports, and locality for "remote".
I typed all 3 ports. Then I did it all over again for "Local".

Did I do this right?