frintezza skills L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 27, 2006
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yep i have lot's of problems with my server :))) that i can't solve by my own
If any1 can help me with the skills from frintezza gameserver/data/stats/skills/5000-5099.xml
But i;m more interested in hearing the songs that she plays when using those skills because when she attack i just hear the sound of how she hit's me and no music .. nothing :((
ok 10x ... i will try to build the skills according to theyr short descryption and i will post the xml when it's ready but i will need help with the sounds and stuff because i don;t know if the sound that frintezza plays is the sound of her casting the spell or is it just a sound in the background :)
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ok ... so... i finished the skills but ... there is 1 thing bugging me ... how can i make methamorphosis?.... when the first mob dyes the upgrade of him is created ... first i thought to give frintezza skill of summoning and when she is attacked it summons the first mob and i thought that it's like a normal players summons (Cannot summon 2 pets at the same time) that should be available for mobs 2 right? I'm not sure that's the thing with npc summons 2 :-??
and then after the first mob dies ... she has no more pets and can summon mob number 2 (the upgrade) i will share skills and if you can test pls because i have slow machine :P

The other mobs (ghost of portrait) suposedly are in the walls but what i was thinking is to make a summon skill for ghost of the portrait and add it to the spirit(the ghost on the ground in front of the picture)
and that could spawn inside the walls and come attack you. This is where my problems start how can i make the mobs use magik more often and how can i make the npc that has been summoned to attack you because the spirit in front of the picture is suposedly imobile and it attacks only if you hit her or run past her
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ok i finished making the frintezza skills and the skills of the demon and ghost's
but you will have to add the according to what the descryption is to each mob in sql/npcskills.sql
BTW on frintezza skills add each skill 5 times but to diffrent level because each level gives a diffrent thing
P.S. need help creating the polymorh skill that morph's the first demon into the second demon
all should work ... at least the sounds :))))))))))))))

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ok iv'e runn into some unexpected problems :P it look's like i will have to remake the skills because i get this weird error :
The content of characters must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

it will take a while before i can post the woking xml :D untill then see if you can help me out with the xml file i posted above
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Ok i made the file work with no errors but....

enter the file and see what i have writen under the line
<skill id="5008" levels="5" name="Frintezza's Songs">
and check if you can add those efect's to the corespunding level of the skill
because when i try i get all kinds of errors and i hate working in xml and sql ... my place is in textures area :P
wov u and hope that it works fine for you 2
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it work's fine u have sound and animation to the mobs but... after frintezza finishes doing the first song ... it end's and the music doesn;t restart :))))
i think it's because she doesn;t cast any spells anymore ... she just does 1 and that's it :((((
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Man good job skills are good but when i use the skills or frintezza use dont have any effect.

In my chat did SKill no implemented yet.

I kwon this is beacause the server dont charge the skill file.

Can anyone help me=?

Sorry for my english
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sorry guys but those skills were only for the sounds that frintezza plays ... i was curious ... i still have some work to do before i finish the skills ... about the effects i added them and they work perfectly but i still have to tweak them a bit and then i will post the complete file

I can;t share the sql file ... sorry but i made some custom modification to the mob skills but i can tell you wich skill to add to wich mob :D
for frintezza: npcid="29045"
5005 lvl 1
5006 lvl 1 <-- I;m not quite sure what is the general performance about(curse ro debuff or ... dunno)
5007 lvl 1
5007 lvl 2
5007 lvl 3
5007 lvl 3
5007 lvl 4
5007 lvl 5
5008 lvl 1
5008 lvl 2
5008 lvl 3
5008 lvl 4
5008 lvl 5
for scarlet van halisha 1st demon:npcid="29046"
5014 lvl 6
5015 lvl 3
5016 lvl 1
5017 lvl 1 <-- this is the polymorph skill that i don;t know how to make if some1 can try taking the polimorph command from the GM command's and copy somehow the link maybe i could make the skill
5018 lvl 1
now for scarlet van halisha upgrade to demon 2 npcid="29047"
5014 lvl 6
5015 lvl 3
5016 lvl 1 yoke of scarlet same as breath of scarlet ... breath of scarlet animation is broken because u can only see it 1 time and then u only get the effect and no animation so put same skill for the 2 demons
5018 lvl 1
5020 lvl 1
for the imobile spirit in front of the picture:npcid="29048 and 29049"
5011 lvl 1 <-- mob suicides and does big dmg to every1 arround
for breath of halisha (little ghost from behind the picture) mob 1 npcid=29050"
5010 lvl 1
5013 lvl 1
for Breath of Halisha mob 2 : npcid="29051"
5009 lvl 1
5013 lvl 1
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i finished sooner than i thought :D

here is the xml file for the skills above
hope you enjoy them :P

BTW: if you notice some effects that don;t work or don;t give what they say pls post it here so i can try to find a fix for it 10x :)
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i finished sooner than i thought :D

here is the xml file for the skills above
hope you enjoy them :P

BTW: if you notice some effects that don;t work or don;t give what they say pls post it here so i can try to find a fix for it 10x :)

The skill works?
Have effect the music of frintezza?And the suicide boom?

Please tell me

And other question your server read the file?
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The skill works?
Have effect the music of frintezza?And the suicide boom?

Please tell me

And other question your server read the file?

yes they all work and the suicide bomb
of course my server reads the file ... lol.... i made it on my server :)))
if you have duffrent version of l2j server try putting the effects to each skill by hand or in xml at the top of the page edit the encode version to match your version.... dunno if that helps :P
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ok nvm my post about mob_skill_rate it seems that if you edit the mobs to have 3819 matk speed they use skills almost all the time and now you can hear the sounds of frintezza clearely :)
but... u will have to edit the skills in such a way that they have some reuse delay because if you dot then she will play the same song again and again

Hope you like the skills
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