from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 3, 2017
Reaction score
have converted the game from 32-bit to 64-bit and from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 unfortunately when converting the DirectX 12 I was unable to maintain a 32-bit version
the performance increase on the game is catastrophicon

the 32-bit version with DirectX 9 I would trash at least three to four times in a 2-hour play. with all of the upgrades I've done the game can remain open and playable for as long as I want I have not run into any crashing even in areas where I used to crash heavily
I've also eliminated all of the ASM based memory mapping they were using and converted to C+ standards and I also am compiling and visual Studios 2019

beardilus - from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit - RaGEZONE Forums
beardilus - from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit - RaGEZONE Forums
Wait, no crashes anymore ? WTF! This sounds amazing, this is the most annoying thing in this game since i played it from 2007 on.

When you lowering the details this game unfortunately looks like rubbish. With all details on my client is crashing if 2-3 time porting in another area.

No Crash in Dalanis ? Would be a dream, lol.
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a real 64 bit porting?
i thougt this is impossible. You have managed what the publishers have never done properly! I am amazed!
Are there then no graphic bugs?
Good work. Next question = Is this to be released for the benefit of the game and community (thus a community project), or (as we discussed in the past) only *your* project?
considering how you and 90% of the community of all gone closed source and attempts to profit off of all of my fixes and I have already decided not to publicly release fix it so that way people like you can't get them :)
considering how you and 90% of the community of all gone closed source and attempts to profit off of all of my fixes and I have already decided not to publicly release fix it so that way people like you can't get them :)
It’s good that the x64 client is not only yours. So we are waiting for something new in this game.
G4L doesnt use your stolen/leaked/released/broken source Domo. Thanks. But yeah, how about a screenshot then? I mean, your forum has 0 posts in the RoM, so its obviously all happenning here, and since theres nothing happenning here, I guess all your work is invisible to everybody but you?
proof please, or I dont believe it
Don’t worry, I made it myself. Unfortunately, I have not yet found redux x64, and for this reason I have no textures in the game. Of course you can help me and give redux lib. How can I prove it to you?
I`ve seen some Posts in a Facebook group a couple of month ago. They stated, the crit on their RoM client is fixed (pserver, i guess it was playernet). I registered there and portet around an boom..crit.

I'm testing thunderhoof quests in dalanis. Oh man....i forgot how frustrating this is. If you have the details configured to ~ 50% the client will crash every minute.

Its ok when you pull down details it completely ^^

I HOPE that someone really can do this and fix the crit problem (and for the sake of the community to realease it). But i mean, runewaker guys aren't idiots. why they never been able to fix it ?

I guess if Runes of Magic suddenly don't crit anymore the pserver-com would be in advance against gameforge, lol.

I woud like to see a 5 min video from beardilus running around in Dalanis with full details :D

And btw, someone did the dx12 thing for guild wars 2, too. GW2 basically is DX11, he released a DX12 Version with similar frames count against DX11.

I wouldn't care about the frames, main thing are the crits here.
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@superk no you did not obtain it yourself you know this you even admitted that you got it from someone who got it from me you're a liar and you know that you didn't download it from this form yes except you still obtain it from someone who obtained it from me stop pretending that you're holier than thou you are an idiot the biggest idiots @
mollo you are the whole reason why I don't really say anything anymore you're the whole reason why I had to release because your dumb ass was sewing and giving it to people you're the whole reason why this community is so f***** you're a loser who can't do anything you joined my team and pretended to be intelligent I shared with you thinking that you were a good person you have joined several servers in every server you have joined has failed everyone I've talked to about you says you're an idiot

and my server website is not up yet​
the site that you're talkin about isn't for ROM that's why I don't post in it if you had any intelligence you would look and see that it's for my Xbox research Again pointing out the fact that you're retarded and you have no idea what you're talkin about still using my code but you don't want to admit to it because you got it and someone who obtained it from me all of the ROM code that exists was obtained by me even the original post that was released by megamax even shows it was released by me you two are the reason why I don't release things anymore cuz you're so FUCKING ignorant you won't admit the truth but then run around like you're some kind of Gods in all actuality you're both retarded you're all using my code but won't admit to it you're the reason why I won't release new shitt if anyone wants anyone to blame why 7.0 source code isn't being published or being shared with a single person you can blame the two retards in this post the reason why I won't share anything at all you can blame these two

for your information I still have access to get new code because you guys are so fucking dumb and are complete dicks even though you're using my s*** that was obtained by me I will not admit to it but claim that you got it yourself somehow I can guarantee no one else has been in the servers but me I watch logs 24/7 my friend if I see anyone else trying to get access to any of their networks I stop it because I don't want anyone getting what I have :)

you know what's even better I'm the only one with modeling tools and a fully functioning map editor and the ability to decompile all of the maps yet you obtained it yourself but you don't have everything I have you don't have nearly as much stuff as I have but yes you obtained it yourself you're not using stuff that was leaked to you from someone who I shared it with yep you have a repository of stuff that's 90% copies of them self

and yet you also claim that you have obtained stuff yourself but you're still having to convert a new base back to chapter 2 hey buddy I have chapter 2 source code chapter 3 source code chapter 4 service code and beta source code I know you are paying that yourself why are you reverting a newer server back to an older chapter if this is true

do not worry my friends people will see the truth even if they don't believe me now just believe that once they start realizing you're not updating and releasing new items that are just the same items renamed with different stats and repurposing dungeon claiming their new people start realizing that you don't have anything of any value and that you're just another liar then maybe then people remember that I was here the whole time was everything I'm withholding because of you and maybe then people will start realizing that you're a retard who just stole run me yes I stole s*** yes I stole it from the company not someone trying to hurt a private server we had a successful server until I kept getting FUCKED by people who didn't really care about the community I wanted to make money and then made it so that we might server could not exist do DDOS I'm not saying it was you who did this I'm talking about the people who originally took it from me the people you obtain the code from it's all got out of hand because people got greedy I'm upset I'm angry that I spent five years working on this game just to get fucked over so bad to become a hated person in the community because people kept ddosing me and Reporting me to hosting companies people sit here and claim that I'm just going to start a server and shut it down added assholes just keep feeding into that at the same time I have the best stuff the most up-to-date code I can't get a community to start because everybody hates me because of people like you guys and people who have really screwed me over in the past people see me as this person that I'm not because of lies and rumors that have been spread about me and I'm tired of it I'm so tired I only released the source code because of freaking retards like you who got it from people who stole it from me but yet nobody ever gives me credit for the original source code being fixed the original source code I obtained it was broken could not compile I spent a lot of time preparing it and now you guys have that repaired toad what is the same time you claimed that start my work but you're an idiot because you got it from someone who got just admit it
Wow, umad bro? This might not make you happy, but I didnt read what you said.. not a word.. because your opinion of me means nothing. Now, if you can post information for this dev forum, that would be great, otherwise, why post at all?
before you started being a dick for no reason I was going to share information my only problem is you need to admit you got files that were obtained by me you want to run around and pretend that they're not
Still, transferring the game to x64 is not so simple, but it pleases that it can already consume 3.5GB of RAM and not crash.

before you started being a dick for no reason I was going to share information my only problem is you need to admit you got files that were obtained by me you want to run around and pretend that they're not
How can I contact you?

And proof
beardilus - from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit - RaGEZONE Forums
beardilus - from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit - RaGEZONE Forums
the site's been primarily used for Xbox research and Battlefield research however I am going to start doing information there on Runes of Magic I'm just really reluctant to share with the community with people like the other guy
domo your funny :D most of the projects I joined and failed where servers made by you :) I`m an idiot? I worked 7 months straight for your server and I trusted in your words. Even when shibby came to me and told me the truth about you, I was still standing at your projects. So yes, I guess I´m indeed an idiot. However, it's sad how blind you are. I never shared anything, I never used any of your codes (I don't care how deeply you think that all available code is coming from you. There are also other sources then ragezone). It's just sad seeing an adult being more childish than a kid who just got his sandcastle destroyed. You are the reason why none of your servers worked out and yes, I admit I had some bad projects, but what should I do when people you think you can trust start cheating and lying? To be honest, I feel sad for you. We both know that you had some good plans in mind, but we also both know that you're the reason why none of your plans will ever succeed! I never rage posted anything, because everyone should make his own experience working with you. Everyone who thinks he can build anything with domo files, will learn that he loves to implement tons of backdoors. You call us out for just opening up servers for the money grab? Interesting, I had 3 projects on my own so far. You around 10+.

But the most strange part is, your constantly spreading hate and lies, but flaming others doing it. You came to me several times, trying to apologize for all the shit you have done. Please get some help man! I get the feeling you have different personalities living in your body and you should find a doctor who can help you! I mean, you already had so many servers running, there should be some money left right?

And now please stop using my name for your stupid online wars you always start with people who are even more dump then you are! Btw do us all a favor and stop abusing this dev forum as your emo Tumblr block, we are here for developing rom

To everyone else, peace and enjoy life
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you can't even develop you don't even know how to program your a joke you lie so much to make yourself look better everybody who you've ever worked on a project with all said you're an idiot I've done more for this community than you've ever done in a single second you're a joke you should just leave the community you have no skill and I'm not going anywhere buddy you're just gonna have to deal with it maybe you should learn how to program buddy maybe take responsibility for your fuck ups stop pretending like you're someone you're not