• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit

if your dumbass would have stopped giving out source code to people I would not have had to release it publicly but no you had to attack me you had to share it with people because you had no idea how to use it so if you are so smart why am I the only one with a chapter 7 base you're right idiots never learn I can argue with you till I'm blue in the face but you're too stupid to realize you cause so much pain and heartache for me

like seriously you created a problem and now I have to deal with this problem you had to crush my fucking dreams for what just so you can make some money the small community that it is already and spread it so thin that it's hard like seriously dude why did you even do this in the first place
again, because it seems like your brain capacity is so low, you can't remember what you just read:

I never shared anything with anyone (except G4L), I only help by explaining and giving hints

I don't have code from you since I know your code is never working! (I realized it in 2016 since then I found different sources!)
you're an idiot all of the source codes that exist were obtained by me apparently you're so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that quote on quote Russian hacker who is selling the source code stole it from my mega so fucking dumb that you honestly think that someone else had access besides me when I'm maintain access for over 10 years you're still using Code that was obtained by me you just got it from someone else you never found any new sources for the code

I have source code for every game they've ever made up to date
this is the reason why I hate you you want to run around pretend like you're so big when all you've done is get something that was tooken by me again you're an idiot you're walking in my footsteps and pretending to be bigger than me

your brain is so small that you don't even know how to check facts before you spew nonsense you need to stop lying about me and stop spreading rumors you are a moron and everything that you have in ruins of magic and everything exists in this game was obtained by me
this is what I have to say to you mic drop

all I'm saying is you need to stop lying you have files that are obtained by me and you need to stop lying about that you need to tell people the truth and stop pretending to be something you're not I am tired of people contacting me telling me how much s*** you talk about me I am tired of you you are garbage all you do is talk garbage and you don't even know what you're talkin about no joke dude check your information before you talk garbage about someone

and yes I will admit some of my projects did fail because of poor Management on my behalf but I had lots of problems with people betraying me and stabbing me in the back GM selling items to players shibby spreading lies about me that weren't even true he was angry that I wasn't able to give him as much money as he wanted at the time we were barely making anything just paying server bills and that was it and I had a lot of trust issues but I trusted him and he backstabbed me went around claiming that I was pocketing money when I was not

you know I have tried to create servers but 90% of the time they fail because of DDOS or hatred from players because of lies that they have heardinstead of ever believing me when I tried to explain to them what happened and why this happened

excuse me for being bitter when all I've been it took advantage of and fucked over like seriously I do have a lot of good ideas for this game and they will make the game better I have trust issues because of all of these people I would really like to start a server and get a team together to actually get a really good server going I would love to be able to put all the hate behind me but it's too late everyone hates me and there's no going back

everyone hates me and no one will ever trust me to run a server because of all of the Betrayal I've been backstabbed and fucked over too many times

and I have not had 10 projects I've had 6 and two of those projects fail because I couldn't get enough traffic and the very first one failed because of betrayal and backstabbing and the rest of them all failed because people DMCA my servers and ddosed me constantly so my servers were never online for long periods of time

how am I supposed to have a successful project when I'm under attack all the time so excuse me for being bitter

there's that and I constantly have people join my Discord telling me how you're talking crap about me as well as so excuse me for being bitter when all I hear is how stupid I am from people because of things you and other I'm angry because I really want to start a community I love this game this is one of my all-time favorite games and I know I can make it better I know that I can make it work the original DEV ever could especially at this point when they pretty much given up on the game but it's really hard to do everything when I'm getting so much hate and there are so many servers popping up ocean spreading the population so thin there's so many servers that pop up in her up for a couple of weeks and then go away this game is dying

and I don't want it to I wanted to have a long and prosperous life I love this game I've always loved this game most importantly I feel like I'm betraying my uncle who died me and him loved playing this game together and because I'm feeling everywhere I feel like I'm betraying him

so excuse me if I'm bitter and angry and always upset excuse me if I don't want to release new files or code excuse me if I'm upset that you say that you get source code from somewhere else when it's obviously the same code I obtained but then you want to claim this not from me
so why you believe in words of strangers? I worked my ass off when I used to be at your projects. I used to be the most active GM. I reworked 3 websites for you but you lost them all the time. You lost databases all the time. Man, it's not only DDOSes. I don't hate you, but all the time I see anything from you, there is consistent hate against me. I told you several times, I don't use your code and I don't share your shit. I don't care if you believe me on that or not. But this has to stop now.
the thing is if you use any ruins the magic source code it was obtained by me and I can guarantee that yes you're not using a build that I modified in any way however if you are using Code it was obtained by me that's all I'm trying to get you to admit the truth that you're using Code that was obtained by me that's it an original bass not modified my problem is that I'm trying to correct as you think someone else obtained it this is not true there were two Russian hackers who hacked my mega they never have to runewaker they got the files off of my mega so yes you were using source code that was still obtained by me that's all I'm saying and yes there was lots of issues but you need to stop saying that you're not using anything but from me all I want you to do is tell the truth I'm sorry that you were misinformed you are still using Code obtained by me you need to stop telling people that you have code from another source when it was still obtained by me yes you may have received it from someone else but it was still stolen from me

why are you believing words of strangers I can guarantee no one else has been inside a runewaker I watch the router logs I have notifications if anyone tries to access their servers from outside of China pacifically Taiwan I watch that company like a hawk because I don't want anyone else getting anything new and because of those Russian faggets I never upload anything to Mega or any site that they can get things from this right here is the reason why nobody has source code from chapter 7 and up

my biggest issue is I just want credit for what I've done this is seriously getting all this happens to me in the battlefield Community I released all of the server files to the games but yet other people get credit even released servers to the back ends tons of research including pdb's tons of research including pdb's nobody cares that I exist other people get all of the credit same thing with the War Z I got arrested and even spent time in jail which is hilarious but yet nobody gives me any credit for the initial release Xbox Community I've done tons of research allowing people to get their band Xboxes online again nobody cares someone else gets credit

I do so much work and always get betrayed I'm just tired of people giving other people credit for my work that is my problem you claim that you don't have files but you have source code to a server that I obtained okay you may not have personally got it from me but you got it from someone who got it from me

you say you my source codes always broken but yet it's not it's the same source code everyone else has because it was obtained by me when you say things like that it's insulting my intelligence and there's a personal attack on me I lost databases and websites because of the dmca is that were given to the hosting companies

and I'm sorry that hosting companies will not give U backups of your files when they receive a dmca and that is why I've been slowly trying to build my own server infrastructure

instead you like everyone else just want to attack me without ever realizing that there was fucked up happening no you and as well as other people just want to pretend like I personally deleted the databases the fucked over my servers
and also I also suffered from the SQL injection the injection was not a backdoor built by me in any means it was a mistake made by runewaker I never put back doors in these files and I would never do that are databases on my server were deleted three times because of that injection before I finally figured it out and you know I was so embarrassed I didn't want to tell anybody cuz it took me so long to figure it out you know it probably would have been better for me to tell people

discordapp DankBeard#4596

it's disgusting I dealt with so many problems just because I couldn't give their stupid Germans money they screwed me over on so many different occasions people were giving information that wasn't true and then I would try to fight it and all I would do is get further in the hole because of my ego they constantly attacked me and then would talk garbage about me while doing it and then me being an idiot played right into their trap

get people to give false information and make people think that I was just crazy or stupid and because I was freaking out everyone just believe them
Any news of non critting Runes of Magic ? I would really love to see a video in dalanis ^^

Since Gameforge released this absolutely garbage Launcher with Runes of Magic, i have the feeling they try to force the game to death.
Rumours say that runewaker is programming a modified client , so that you HAVE to use gameforge launcher in the near future.

At the moment you can install updates manually and use nocheckversion on official client.
You can't update the client manually, you have to either use steam or gameforge launcher for it, then you can use nocheckversion for it.

On topic though, would also love to see a video from Domo.
For those who dont know, you can manually update the client if you want... use this website to get the patches, but you have to install them in order...

Update: removed link, it was changed to Ch7... will post GDrive link to all Official patches i have once the file is ready (probably tomorrow evening). it is a very large RAR file (3.48GB, expands to 7.9GB) and will take time to upload and to download.
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Why is it not possible to update it manually? Newest patches can be downloaded from the same server as always. Just put them in your rom folder and run them