from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit

This Dx12 nonsense has gone on long enough, i havent said anything since the day this thread was made but now it is time by using the 2 images in the first post and full knowledge of how rune engine renders view distance within the scope of the viewport (your screen)... i can say for a fact both images are Dx9... the reason the second image has less FPS is because the view is slightly up which causes the engine to render deeper into the viewport.

Also to compile the client or engine using VS2019 requires a complete rewrite of all the code, which would take months of nonstop solo work.
Lifefire you know I've been working on this project for many years longer than human know the service code existed don't be an ass just because you feel like it completely upgraded the entire project to 2019 what done it as well just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's not possible and no g4l did not use my code they did it on their own they're doing a lot of really cool and impress that stuff it's a pretty cool project

don't be disrespectful just because you don't understand how things work
I don't care about a 64 Bit Client since i assume that it doesn't run any better than the original. Seen it on LOTRO last year. They now have a 64 Bit CLient for the 2007 Programm, and it doesn't run any better.

So it would still be nice if you release a Video with full Details and run through Dalanis. I mean, if the client gots 60 FPS and still crashes i wouldn't care about it. :D

Also there are some servers out there who was doing ads by "our client isn't crashing anymore", i registered there and guess what happend with full details after some minutes. ;P

Since i'm playing the epic quest line (just to test if all quests are working) i also had to quest in dalanis. And man..this was a client crash followed the next.
We have multiple videos posted in discord, of full speed gm runs through Dalanis at full graphics without any crashes. We are currently beta testing the experimental client.
Ok, i have seen Client Test 1 now. Very nice. I'm a programming Noob..but i wonder if that client can be modified to everyones private server.....
Tried it out (G4L Classic), and its working. Was running 10 minutes through Varanas porting here and there, porting to logar and back, running through main plaza etc etc. its not crashing with full details.

Very nice! And i want it for my private server, lol. (Just a joke, since i know this won't happen because of the changed server code for this).

So, beardilus....release it please since G4l is doing it anyway ^^ (Sorry, couldn't resist)
Am I correct that the following link describes a part of the Direct X port?

I don't have enough knowledge yet to complete this task.
But maybe some people would work with me to make this project
themselves and make it available to the public.
As you maybe all know ( i mentioned it already in this thread)there is a user modification for Guild Wars 2 for directx 12. Easy speak: it takes the dx9 commands from GW2 and converts them to dx12 (not DX11, this was wrong).

Programmers from Arenanet have proved this code of being "clean", nevertheless there is no official approval to use it with Guild wars 2.

As the programmer of this states this is directly for GW2, there is a mention

This is specifically designed for Guild Wars 2. You can try to use it with other games; it might work.

So this code doesn't touch the GW2 code in any way, so im wondering if this could work with RoM, too?

I didn't have tried anything myself, just wanted to post it here, maybe someone with knowledge can write something about it.

Official Download from Github

I don't have made anything with my server the last couple of month, still i dream from my crash free private Runes of Magic Server. Not sure if gamer4life anytime take their server down, if they release their code ? Don't think so if they still make money out of it ^^
Can't say I get much about how it works. The client has three different d3dx9 files to begin with. One with _26, another two with _30 and _31 in their names. Perhaps Litefire can give some insight on this? Or Drewww, if he's still active.

But personally I seriously doubt it's as easy as slapping on a dx9-dx12 converter-like mod to avoid crashes and make the game run smoother. That doesn't make it a 64 bit client yet.
while the dx9-dx12 wrapper looks promising ROM is also alot older than GW2 with custom changes made to the engine's DX9 calling functions which means using that wrapper may not be possible without heavy modification. I will not be attempting it though as i have my hands full programming in UE4 right now
it is a very slow process because i choose to work alone but once i finish it will mean complete compatibility with DX11-12 and easily adding new content, also much better graphics and stability.
Great things always take time. It's only important to not drop it at some point into the process. While being a WoW clone at its core, Runes has a unique touch to it and it's a game that deserves a way more stable client than it has now.
Yea, but i assume you also had the intention to make money out of it, not doing a favor for the community (back in 2013)?

Releasing the 6.4.2 Code was like "if i can't make money out of it, the people who stole the code from me shouldn't also not be able to".

You can look at this from different sides, but for me as user standing at the sideline it looks like its all about the money. And the beef around this is only because people can't make money out of it (Well, there are servers running and i guess they doing a lot of money with it)
People seem to forget that the community of this game is incredibly small. Not big enough to make a noteworthy buck. In the end, it doesn't matter who released what or when, what matters is the release itself and its stability. It's not a race or a fight of who does the most work or releases files the fastest. That kinda competition only slows down overall progress. People too proud or greedy to help the community progress are only harmful and should be ignored.