• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

from DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 and 64-bit

Why would he want to release it when there are people claiming what they have/use isn't from him or originated from things he got?

That's a sad fact anyone providing something for free has to deal with. Those people must be really important to him if he cares so much that he stops his work as a result. At that point you gotta ask yourself what's more important. Cutting short a small amount of assholes or continueing to assist the community as a whole? That small amount of people would get exposed anyway at some point because of how well known Domo is.
I found this forum by accident in 2015, and i never have setup any other private server than Runes of Magic, because i simply have not played any other MMOs then RoM, GW2 and Lotro (i would die to get private servers from GW2 and Lotro btw, but this will not happen ^^).

My opinion about " its all about the money" results from some writings in this forum from different people. But its cool when it started without the intention to make money.
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From that perspective i respect the work Gamers 4 life is doing.....hell...they have a Runes of Magic that isnt crashing.....i mean...WTF!! :D
- The main person generally has 0 idea what they are doing and has no idea how to code. They generally just supply the server/hardware.
- The main coder(s) generally have bare-minimum understanding of the language(s) involved just to get things running.
- Most servers do very little in terms of actual fixes/customizations and just compile/run what is released/leak as-is with a cash shop or some means of VIP/donator status to get fast money.

You just described 90% of Aion servers I played on. I also didn't imply that Domo had any obligation to share his work. But why be affected and ultimately stopped by a handful of assholes? If he doesn't like how a lot of people are on this forum (and let's face it, the majority of people here are not exactly well-mannered like you, Mage, Lite, Domo, Me, Drew and a few others of this section), he could also go ahead and use a discord server where he can decide who joins or leaves and sweep out the greedy trash in an instant.

I won't deny that I'm largely in it for personal gain as well. My server is a local one with little to no intention of going online because my programming experience is very lacking. That's thanks to a few cognitive issues and applies to coding as a whole though. I can't even write lua ffs. Coding is just too abstract to see what'll happen after compiling while writing the code. The extent of my abilities is checking for in-game bugs of almost any kind or behavior that didn't happen on official servers and documenting it.
thank you for defending me atom0s :) I just got off probation for the War Z garbage and all of that. and servers aren't about money they're about passion it takes passion to create something that's beautiful. this last couple of years I've been amassing servers and hardware and stuff like that first properly hosting it without paying large sums of money. I love this game and I will never stop loving this game no matter what ass-whole does what.

and yes I understand. with the whole concept if I release them then publicly I have to be okay with people doing things like that you're right. and with the research and development I did for the battlefield community and the server files to even make it make it possible and also reversed and create a backend server and client connect to each. and with the project that I released open and yes I accept that however this is like a that and I released its

however this is literally because the files were stolen from me and then they literally made me look like garbage spread lies and rumors about so they can make money. I see where you're coming from and my thing is all I wanted to be was acknowledged. but people can't even do me that basic thing. as of lately I am very happy that people still here are defending me thank you and I know sometimes I can be an idiot or an ass :) ;p I mean we could always say that I've always tried to make friends and that's my biggest weakness

I had a really big falling out with people who hurt me really bad regarding the Emulator Nexus project and as others. I mean I do cool stuff and people take advantage of me because I'm autistic and I'm always trying to make friends. so I'm sorry that I'm kind of become more aggressive and head from people instead of trying to help

good news is I own a whole bunch of servers now that are at my house and my overhead costs are very little. play spending the last couple of months studying up the infrastructure and making sure it's secure and 100% good. I want to make it so there is no money exchanged outside of a few donations to pay the little server cost. I'm tired of seeing this 6 month then they're dead servers as well.
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The short lifespan is what drove me to local hosting in the first place. Even official servers are slowly dying and this is the one game I've been coming back to for years because it's the first MMO I played and because it has a very unique feel to it. A major portion of my life is connected to Runes, so a server and client of this game are a real treasure. If any game deserves a remade client and constant polishing on the server files, it's this one for sure.

And I'm sure passion is the reason for most of this tiny community. Compared to other games, Runes has very few players and because of that there's almost no money to be made from a server.

I hope that one day, a few crazy nutjobs can bash their heads together and manage to come up with a crash-free client and complete server past chapter 7. I tried to get into coding for years and I simply cannot grasp the logic enough to be of use for something productive as this.
you're right I love this game too and I will always hold a special and I don't care if my server doesn't have any players at all I'm going to continue working on it and making it better. I want to make this game great again you know what I mean I love this game it was the last game me and my Uncle played together. I don't want to ever let this game die
I'm not long enough in this community, but since Runes of Magic was the FIRST MMO i started with in 2007 (it was Frogster for Germany back in in the days), this game will always be a special thing in my heart. Not only because of the multiclass thing, also because of the instances it delivers. Another part of it is the absolutely amazing ingame music this game has! ( I never will understand people, who play this game without music :D ).

Its really a good feeling just to start my own server, and play around with it. Yes, it will not bring back the feelings i had when we cleared The Origin for the first time, or Heart of Ocean. What the Hell, we cleared Hall of Survivors when it was released. And how long took it ? 9 Hours! Can you believe nowadays to be 9 hours i a freaking instance ? ^^

And the only thing which really, really annoyed me in all the years since 2007 are the crits. Its unbelievable that the Gameforge client still has the damn crits.

I was online with my char (warmage on Asteria) a couple of days ago on Gameforge servers, and the only thing that gets me out of playing Runes of Magic on official Servers a couple of years were the introducing of + 30 Star Jewels.

+20 weapon jewel costs 500 Diamonds, lol.....thats 13 € for one Jewel and its not guaranteed that you get +1 for your weapon.

The world chat is almost dead, one diamond costs around 300K in gold.

So off course i thank all of the people here who contribute and releasing stuff.
you're right I love this game too and I will always hold a special and I don't care if my server doesn't have any players at all I'm going to continue working on it and making it better. I want to make this game great again you know what I mean I love this game it was the last game me and my Uncle played together. I don't want to ever let this game die

Pretty much the same here. I met my ex through the game and have a bunch of bad memories attached to it. But nevertheless, I spent 3 years of my life with it and still just enjoy fulfilling quests, following the different stories or leveling my professions. Although navigating cities like Varanas is a choppy crashy nightmare as ever. I also keep my rates mostly vanilla. I would only love to increase the gathering/crafting exp but that's hardcoded in the zone.exe which is way beyond my skills.

I didn't start as early as Mage (srsly, 2007? earliest i heard was closed beta 2008 man) but I still remember it as a Frogster published title over here. Hell, they even went and showcased the scout bug at the gamescom in 2010. Y'know, back when scouts could one-hit everything with their basic attack due to 0 cooldown. One of the german top guilds back then collabed with them at the fair and did an instance run where they abused the bug to its fullest extent.

And let's not get started with the other instances. I still remember how creeped to hell and back I was during my first few Forsaken Abbey runs. Or when a couple randoms and me were partying in the bloody gallery until the count finally showed up 2 hours later. But my experience ends with Origin and HoS. I never got to see the Zurhidon Stronghold or the end of Chapter 1 or the Naga Acropolis until I went through it with my GM char on my local server.

On my last day on Macantacht (my home since open beta 2009), which happens to be the GW2 release day, +20 gems existed in the database but were still a rumor. However, the hardline P2W tactic had become standard practice by that time. Then the servers got merged, my old account deleted and I haven't checked on the official servers ever since. Only the forum a few times. But I still keep playing on my server at my pace and I still want to experience the future zones and updates.

high five Mageoski, fellow warmage here. Though in most instances I was forced to do mage/warrior due to higher DPS. It was during those times where everyone was having seizures over scrutinizer.
Thankfully i experienced all instances in the game at level, i played (with some pauses) till Vale of Rites in endgame (I wish i could pimp my ROM Server to Vale of Rites. Its kinda in the serverfiles, but not complete).

I'm still in a guild which had some server firsts/world seconds (i think this means nothing anymore in the game, since they have very strange release order). Most of my fellow players still playing the game. But yes, for me the P2W has gotten overhand on official servers years ago. Nevertheless i bought diamonds for some thousands € over the years, and it was ok. I had much fun with the players in my guild, so i dont regret it.

Also have some screenshots f. e. clearing Belathis (end boss Maderoth was not that easy). There were some exploits around (as alwas were in this game), so GMs were actively watching the runs. When the boss was down they switched from invisible status to visible and gave kudos to us doing it the right way. :D

Fortunately the Warmage is still very strong in the game, although my intention still is to dont play on official servers anymore. :D (i think i got about 2-3kkk Gold still, but i heard thats not much nowadays ^^
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Back in my day, my 50 mill from the chinaman was not much but that inflation is almost Aion levels of crazy... 3 BILLION being considered "not much" lol. I think I only saw a GM once in Varanas though. But I have my fair share of exploiting too. With five other Romeo fans, I used to go against the dragon boss in Aotulia. We simply flew straight down and hovered outside his attack range where we took him down while having a beer.
I hope that one day, a few crazy nutjobs can bash their heads together and manage to come up with a crash-free client and complete server past chapter 7.

As cool as this would be, i'm not sure we see this happening as there is maybe 2-3 ppl with the ch7 + files(most servers are running 6.4.2 or less). Only way we see this i guess is if new files are leaked in the future, but even then it's same situation as currently, just with newer files. No one except a handful will have access to new leaks and servers will eventually fall off when they can't sustain the content or develop new content.

Rom has huge potential but due to runewakers inability to realise that & people being moneyhungry, i think inevitably this game will end up dead.

(Which seems to be runewakers goal at least) Although in the last months they have been expanding the ingame festival content, official is receiving literally no other content updates.
Not sure what they do nowadays but they can probably keep Runes going with a small team to still squeeze profit from the few remaining people. What the publisher does is no different from what any of us can do: build, buy or rent a pc used as a server, set up the files and run it. Depending on playerbase size, there's no need for a large maintenance team either.
It's strange anyhow how gameforge/runewaker puts content in the game. They remain level 100 since years, and now they have a strange leveling system again to do a new world boss.

The very "new" gameforge launcher is also very, very annoying. I just use it to patch the game, i start it then with "nocheckversion" ^^
The leveling system is not strange, it's just completely copied from Diablo 3. The problem comes from the fact that the accuracy calculation used to hit higher level mobs is developed poorly by runewaker. The calculation makes the new content all impossible to do, and was said at the initial release that it's not intended to be cleared currently, even now the new instance is impossible to be done. The xp required to level is huge and frankly impossible if the xp/tp of easymode inis is ever corrected. The launcher is indeed poor and rip to anyone that connected their accounts and can no longer disconnect the accounts and are forever forced to use it.

RoM is clearly developed by a small team now a days, there is almost no extra game updates in the current official client that has not already been released except for a few new mirrorworld zones and a new .lua/xml in the interface.fdb for some new system being added into the game(the frame is deactivated client side though currently). In the past the data for future zones was in the client for many years before actual release, so it'll be interesting to see what runewaker do in the coming months regarding updates for the game.
Jesus dude ever since this post has been going on I've been getting spammed by people asking for help. I'm not going to help anyone set up a server. Don't ask me stop sending me messages. if you need help you can make a post on the forms here and I may assist you with a reply. or someone else in this commune will help you however no one going to help you rip people off these games are not profitable and they're going to spend a lot of money on network and server costs. if you're messaging me to help you set up the server there's no guarantee you can set up new content or keep the game in a state that will keep players all you're going to do is spend a lot of money is there's no prophets here. I love this game and I'm tired of people who try to do this as a cash grab and they ruin the game for other people to all of you or messaging me to help set up your server stop I'm not going to help you
Jesus dude ever since this post has been going on I've been getting spammed by people asking for help. I'm not going to help anyone set up a server.

Just ignore them. Don't get why people do that when there's a fully understandable and extremely simple guide already available. In fact, I made my guide mostly for people like myself who are entirely unfamiliar with how SQL and the Runes server work. It's a lot to read but I consider that a bit of a test. People who don't have the patience to at least go through the setup will not have the patience for running it either. Besides, the fail rate should be nigh 0% because I spent those 3 hours writing it right after setting up my server and logging in.

Back in 2009, the cap was level 50. 55 came afterward with the release of the the weeping coast close to or after chapter 2 release. The massive character delete might be understandable in a way. Happened about last year I think. From my perspective, they simply did it to sweep the massively clogged database clean by deleting anything that didn't log in until day X. Wouldn't be surprised if they tossed tens of thousands of characters, if not millions that way. Since such an event never happened in the game's history, it's safe to assume they had dead characters piling up since 2008 or so.
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The leveling system is not strange, it's just completely copied from Diablo 3. The problem comes from the fact that the accuracy calculation used to hit higher level mobs is developed poorly by runewaker. The calculation makes the new content all impossible to do, and was said at the initial release that it's not intended to be cleared currently, even now the new instance is impossible to be done.

Ah ok, since they integrated the system (mountain system or anything like that, not sure) i always was wondering why they dont do the normal level up system with new content.

The xp required to level is huge and frankly impossible if the xp/tp of easymode inis is ever corrected. The launcher is indeed poor and rip to anyone that connected their accounts and can no longer disconnect the accounts and are forever forced to use it.

I have one main account, some twink accounts and 10-15 accounts which were made only for the five years(?) anniversary where you could get +20 stones out of the chests ^^

Not a single one is connected to the gameforge launcher, since i simply dont play other gameforge games. Although gameforge says in their forums that it is mandatory to use gameforge launcher since then or you risk a ban if they find out.

Ok, meanwhile its getting out of topic here but i encourage you to look at some of the real herous on frogster servers in 2008/2009:

Koyu and Zarth, they have done Instances on Level, Solo. And yea..this looks easy in the vids, but believe me it wasn't that easy. I do not know of anyone doing this in 2008/2009.

And mabye someone here is long enough in the game to know the bug from Runes of Magic with Worr an Lynn Binpike, by aggro (i guess it was lynn binpike?) him and bringin him down to Ystra. He made an AOE evry 30 seconds(?) killing instantly all people who were questing there. It was kinda fun, if i remember right some top guilds @ Muinin at that time were doing this from time to time until they fixed that ^^

Maybe we should open a thread like "Runes of Magic on Offical servers Memorial thread" ^^
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God damnit, don't fucking mention those damn bulls again. I lost count of how many times they just went peekabo and nuked me on my way to the altar.

But speaking of Ystra Highlands: Who else was around when the Zurhidon squad went crazy at the trading post entrance and people made fun out of leaving behind a miles long trail of tombstones?

PS: clear your inbox mage, couldn't send you a PM just now
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i made some space in my inbox :D

To get back to topic, ran around one hour in G4L CLassic Servers..Its so fucking amazing! Dalanis with Full Details.

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