Fuck..I feel like Fuck..Whimp..

Mar 12, 2003
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So this what`s happened..Me and my m8 were walking back from a shop, after we rented a DvD..We`re walking..and i see a group of 5 guys walking towards us..I see that the white guy (non racist meaning) looks at me and walks straight at me..Me with my stubborn ass don`t go aside for him..WHAM..i smack him with my shoulder..so i walk further..the that freak gets angry and the whole group turns back towards us they throw a bottle of coke at me and i drop my bottle with some weird energy drink..i get kicked in the middle and my face (not hard though) and that fucking"black guy" makes some gay-thai boxing stance..U probably don`t know but i`m a juidoka..(jui-jitsu) and would of haved kicked his ass of hard ..But i just froze from inside..probably it`s the natural thing cuz they where with like 5 guys..And my m8 almost started running..so i turn my back and they turn they`re back too..so that`s end of story.

I feel like a FUCKIN SISSY..:sosad:

Just senseless..
If I encounter that prick i swear i`m gonna break some of his bones:chopchop:

Just wanted to sy this to u guys..so u know i`m a sissy..Damn..
lol 4get it m8. Nobody really gives a shit about dickheads like that. May hav been a pussyfied but it's saves a lot of hassle:good:
I just feel like a big Pussy..altough it`s a good booster for me..now i`ll be training even harder..
Thanks for the reaction though..It helps me feel a little bit more MAN..But what would u do in such an situation..*Note: that ur outnumbered..
5 guys...... right...... id just errrm.


then ask for :help:

have mah :beer:

call them an :asshole:

:dog: leg it....
Darkening said:
I just feel like a big Pussy..altough it`s a good booster for me..now i`ll be training even harder..
Thanks for the reaction though..It helps me feel a little bit more MAN..But what would u do in such an situation..*Note: that ur outnumbered..
moon em then leg it
Makaveli said:
back in kent where i lived ppl where always like this but i was a lil of the opposite,i would of just jumped on em, 5 or not there silly cunts for fucking about (god i sound liek an arrogatn asshole) not that im hard or anything i really just dont give a shit >.< i dunno maybe im just fucked in the head
well it kinda seems like a good attitude but 1 day it could go horribly wrong and after stamping on ur face u may hav ur mouth where ur nose would b, can't b good 4 pulling >.< that's my logic 4 mooning then leggin it :P
me a year or so ago would have got my ass kicked 2

me know id fucking kick the shit out of them, m8 ill pm u with my thoughts on this

btw i know how you feel ive been there and well its not nice not only did u get hit but u knew u shoudla been able to defend urself
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that has happened to all of us - but

i found one them walking alone and beat him senseless -
was fun -

next day like 20 of them showed up my door i was about to go out side with my baseball bat but my mum pretended to call the pigs to scare them away or something -

nm that

but the freezing up thing it does happen - read about gi and fighting spirit like it come from your belly -

if youre about to fight and u thinking of wussing out and you really dont wanna just think of some song with fast bpm that will get yer heart pumpin and youre ready to go :)

another thing running isnt a bad thing all the time - considering there was 5 of them 2 of you -
my solution 2 every thing.
kik em in the balls then FUKIN RUN!!! and dont look bak always works 4 me. or u can run away cus
"he who runs away lives 2 fight another day"
when shit like that happens u run, u run like the wind, for full effect u get ur mate or girl to shout *RUN FOREST RUN* ill asume u is called forest
i'd feel the same m8, and it would prolly happen 2 all of us :P mite even happen 2 exclematiooon

thats like the only reason i h8 livin out of iceland ;p ive never lost a fight, and if i knew i didnt have a chance i could just call my m8s 2 sort meh, now im in a country where i know no1 and im scared 2 go out cuz if i start on someone he could be the big man in the hood and call the downtown posseh lol -_-

oO dunno if that made sence... im off 2 bed...

btw lol speedhorn new siggy ;p
Tupac said:
u need to c this vid
go on kazaa

and search 4
dude fight 4 guys the same time
and watch its funny as kicks loads lads asses
I'm not even gonna bother coz I bet u nethin it's the Mike Valley fight off CKY