fucking leaving home

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Jan 1, 2003
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Merry England
ok ive decided i cant fucking stand my parents anymore all i get everyday is loads and loads of fucking grief, every 20 mins im in the house they will be shouting at me for somereason or another. Mostly they say that im doing nothing, that im throwing my life away that im a waste of space. Despite the fact that ive done more in my life already then they ever will put together.
My dads worked his whole life in the same fucking factory and my mum fucking cleans it, all they fucking do is watch tv, go to work come back, shout at me, watch tv shout at me, go to be to watch more tv, shout at me if im awake sometimes wake me up to tell me something that doesnt even matter, they wake up if they dont go to work they clean up and watch tv and that is their whole fucking life and they tell me that im just a layabout that i do nothing ffs im the fucking british champion kickboxer, i gotta move out or ill end up fucking breaking their kneecaps or something. i used to be able to take it but everyday my mum gives me more and more grief, blaming me cos she doesnt go out, blaming me cos she has no life its all they fucking do they are fucking 40 yrs old and are still blaming others for their fucked up shitty little lives which will never go anywhere cos they dont really give a fucking damn they just wanna watch tv.
plz i need ur help what do i need 2 know to fucking leave home? like is there any legal shit i need to do or can i get cheaper accomadation cos im in college or w/ever. plz let me know asap
Should have any problems with it. Check where you wana move to for flats. Check the price and make sure you can pay that per month (and that wont inlclude gas + electricity etc etc). You really are gona have to make sure you can afford it all tho m8. It might be better to put up with it for a bit longer till you can fully afford it and have good full time job.

Sorry to hear your parents are like that tho :(. Best to just try and ignore them.
Exclamatio said:
Mostly they say that im doing nothing, that im throwing my life away that im a waste of space. Despite the fact that ive done more in my life already then they ever will put together.
My dads worked his whole life in the same fucking factory and my mum fucking cleans it
Where they work is not important, you can't say i'm better or anything because you do something which you say is more important.
Every job is needed, they have been doing it for all their life, which is something positive, they work for their money.

If you realise that then maybe you could get along better, but aslong you think they are nothing because they work in some shitty factory is totally wrong.
Re: Re: fucking leaving home

LordofDeath said:
Where they work is not important, you can't say i'm better or anything because you do something which you say is more important.
Every job is needed, they have been doing it for all their life, which is something positive, they work for their money.

If you realise that then maybe you could get along better, but aslong you think they are nothing because they work in some shitty factory is totally wrong.

dont worry im not shallow dont take me for that, but they blame me for their job, they blame me that they havnt done any better. They really do hate their jobs and if i ever say anything to do with going for another job or gettin qualifications they hail abuse down on me. "i would get a better job but im always fucking looking after you" "how can i get a better job when all i do is run after you" "you never help around the house how do you expect me to get a better job"
I do realise that every job is needed but they dont havnt had to stay in that job their whole lives but the fact is they have done and they blame me for it that is why im so pissed off at them they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
mom kicked me out 2 months ago, was simular, now live in holland with my dad ^__^
Exclamatio said:
cool, i may go travelling actually i got a bit of cash saved up ill talk to this guy at the gym who left home to travel at 16

Yea but do something smart, i would try to stay in school, im gettin back on track right now, goin to school aigan in september :P lol international school cuz im not dutch, gotta start all over on gcse's and do igcse's for 3 years

neways if your crap at school and hate it just leave it, i hate it i just wanna be able 2 get a computer like in the matrix when they come :p play mir 4 real ;)
Exclamatio said:
ok ive decided i cant fucking stand my parents anymore all i get everyday is loads and loads of fucking grief, every 20 mins im in the house they will be shouting at me for somereason or another. Mostly they say that im doing nothing, that im throwing my life away that im a waste of space. Despite the fact that ive done more in my life already then they ever will put together.
My dads worked his whole life in the same fucking factory and my mum fucking cleans it, all they fucking do is watch tv, go to work come back, shout at me, watch tv shout at me, go to be to watch more tv, shout at me if im awake sometimes wake me up to tell me something that doesnt even matter, they wake up if they dont go to work they clean up and watch tv and that is their whole fucking life and they tell me that im just a layabout that i do nothing ffs im the fucking british champion kickboxer, i gotta move out or ill end up fucking breaking their kneecaps or something. i used to be able to take it but everyday my mum gives me more and more grief, blaming me cos she doesnt go out, blaming me cos she has no life its all they fucking do they are fucking 40 yrs old and are still blaming others for their fucked up shitty little lives which will never go anywhere cos they dont really give a fucking damn they just wanna watch tv.
plz i need ur help what do i need 2 know to fucking leave home? like is there any legal shit i need to do or can i get cheaper accomadation cos im in college or w/ever. plz let me know asap

mate this exact same thing happened to me.

I solved it simply.. Tell them..

"Get off my fucking case or I'll *threaten them with somthin precious* "

your a clever bloke say somthin like "I'll give up college to work in a factory like you eh dad!! Yea fuck going and gettin my degree I'll work in a fucking factory"

trust me this will shit them up so bad lol

and if they calm down your cool :)

and if they start again say

" dont make me do somthin u will regret "

pisses em right off :)
Re: Re: fucking leaving home

LordofDeath said:
Where they work is not important, you can't say i'm better or anything because you do something which you say is more important.
Every job is needed, they have been doing it for all their life, which is something positive, they work for their money.

If you realise that then maybe you could get along better, but aslong you think they are nothing because they work in some shitty factory is totally wrong.

and thats why u probaly work at mac D's

mummys boi :p
Re: Re: fucking leaving home

Nik-C said:
mate this exact same thing happened to me.

I solved it simply.. Tell them..

"Get off my fucking case or I'll *threaten them with somthin precious* "

your a clever bloke say somthin like "I'll give up college to work in a factory like you eh dad!! Yea fuck going and gettin my degree I'll work in a fucking factory"

trust me this will shit them up so bad lol

and if they calm down your cool :)

and if they start again say

" dont make me do somthin u will regret "

pisses em right off :)

i say thats a good 1 :good:
yeah i agree, if you really wannam leave home join the army, the royal marines like i was gonnam do :p the best
well she did, im still in holland, still courtcase goin on bout who should get the legal guardianship or wateva over me
well she did lol...

you argueing saying she cant have kicked me out? she already has ..........

she kicked me out, i foned my dad, he bought me a ticket, i flew 2 holland
It's not legal, just because you can shoot a person doesn't mean your allowed.

She has to take care of you, if she can't do it anymore then she needs to get you a new place first.

If this is hard to understand then think about it if it was a 6 year old boy who got kicked out.

Your underaged and she legally isn't allowed to do it, and you can still sue her for it.
Re: Re: fucking leaving home

Nik-C said:
mate this exact same thing happened to me.

I solved it simply.. Tell them..

"Get off my fucking case or I'll *threaten them with somthin precious* "

your a clever bloke say somthin like "I'll give up college to work in a factory like you eh dad!! Yea fuck going and gettin my degree I'll work in a fucking factory"

trust me this will shit them up so bad lol

and if they calm down your cool :)

and if they start again say

" dont make me do somthin u will regret "

pisses em right off :)

that's the way 2 go about it. Take ur time over this and think carefully.
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