Full list item code

Skilled Illusionist
Mar 3, 2009
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I've been searched all over the forum but I couldn't found a Full list of item code.

Some item wasn't able to created even I have its code cuz I didn't have correct Opt.

For exam, if I want to create an "Extender Circuit" or a "Material Core (Osmium)" or some kind of craft materials (ex Shinning Tooth, Shinning Yellow Powder),...

I tried some Opt and I got "Unknown Item".


Btw, about item option too. Could you tell me the way (the general formula) for an item.

I knew that :

If I want item has "1 free slot", use "268435456"
And crafted Adept (lv 1) use "151"

So if I want an item with Adept lv1 crafted and 1 free slot use :

268435456 + 151 = 268435607

It's OK!

But If I want an item with :

3 filled slots
+ 1 slot Crit. Dmg
+ 1 slot Alz Drop Inc.
+ 1 slot Sword Amp.

+ Adept lv1

Upgraded to +4

So what kind of formula should I have to use?


Anyone could help me?

Thanks in advance!
The Dinosaur
Loyal Member
Jun 29, 2008
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There is no general formula unless you are talking about editing items via the raw binary values but that is quite complex unless you are already good at working with binary values. No tools really exist to do that as anyone that can would just do it in sql directly. From the binary you can work out the itemopts but that method is useless to almost everybody here as things like char templates confuse people, binary is well beyond most of the people running servers even if detailed guides are supplied (the 2 item binary guides for example).

The itemopts we know best are the ones found in the server files but nowhere near everything is in there. Outside that you simply have to find them by trial and error or what others have posted before. Balq's skill management tool has some useful stuff but until we get a proper database put together with all of the (literally) thousands of itemopts you won't be able to work out itemopts the way you want to.

The crafting itemopts were posted ages ago:
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The Dinosaur
Loyal Member
Jun 29, 2008
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One thing i should have mentioned earlier. If you look in my xmas gift box you will find an early version of my gm tools in there and that has an itemopt range option which is good for finding itemopts by giving yourself items with a range of itemopts until you find the working one. Not perfect but it works if you have the patience.
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