fwPCK basic usage

Junior Spellweaver
May 23, 2009
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This is an special tool for unpacking/packing (compress files and add files) the Forsaken World Angelica file packages. With that function we will be able to custom the client very easily :thumbup1:

First we need to go to :
/resources/ folder

uxPddW7 - fwPCK basic usage - RaGEZONE Forums

And copy all those files to the fwPCK location :):

QU2fA8n - fwPCK basic usage - RaGEZONE Forums

Now we have two options :

1)Use the tool by going to the directory using cd...
2)Create a batch file = faster

Commands available:

Extracting all files from file "example.pck" to directory "example.pck.files"

command line usage: fwPCK.exe -x "example.pck"
-x is the switch for extraction
example.pck is the path to the input file that should be extracted
the input file must always ends with ".pck"
the extracted files are placed in "example.pck.files" root directory
the root directory is placed in the same folder as the input file
supported are perfect world angelica file packages v2008


fwPCK.exe -x building.pck
fwPCK.exe -x configs.pck
fwPCK.exe -x gfx.pck
fwPCK.exe -x grasses.pck
fwPCK.exe -x interfaces.pck
fwPCK.exe -x litmodels.pck
fwPCK.exe -x loddata.pck
fwPCK.exe -x models.pck
fwPCK.exe -x script.pck
fwPCK.exe -x sfx.pck
fwPCK.exe -x shaders.pck
fwPCK.exe -x surfaces.pck
fwPCK.exe -x textures.pck

Compressing all files from directory "example.pck.files" to file "example.pck"

command line usage: fwPCK.exe -c "example.pck.files"
-c is the switch for compression
example.pck.files is the root directory containing the files to be compressed
the root directory must always ends with ".pck.files"
the output file will be named "example.pck" without the tailing ".files"
the output file will be placed in the same folder as the root directory
the output file is perfect world angelica file packages v2008 compatible

fwPCK.exe -c building.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c configs.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c gfx.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c grasses.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c interfaces.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c litmodels.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c loddata.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c models.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c script.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c sfx.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c shaders.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c surfaces.pck.files
fwPCK.exe -c textures.pck.files

Add / Replace
Adding/Replacing all files from directory "example.pck.files" into file "example.pck"

command line usage: fwPCK.exe -a "example.pck.files"
-a is the switch for adding files to an exisiting pck package
example.pck.files is the root directory containing the files to be added
the root directory must always ends with ".pck.files"
the exisiting package must be named "example.pck" without the tailing ".files"
the exisitng package must be placed in the same folder as the root directory
the existing package must be perfect world angelica file packages v2008 compatible

Note: When replacing files, the data blocks of the old files stays inside the pck, this means replacing over and over again a lot of files will raise the pck' size
when replacing a lot of files it's strongly recommend to repack the package (this will also remove existing dead data blocks) instead of replacing a large amount of files...

Add / Replace Base64 encoded Files
Adding/Replacing all files from directory "example.pck.b64.files" with base64 encoded names into file "example.pck" (the base64 names are decoded while slipstreaming). This option was designed for sPatch to support OS without chinese character encoding support...

command line usage: fwPCK.exe -ap "example.pck.b64.files"
-ap is the switch for adding files with base64 naming to an exisiting pck package
example.pck.b64.files is the root directory containing the files to be added
the root directory must always ends with ".pck.b64.files"
the exisiting package must be named "example.pck" without the tailing ".files"
the exisitng package must be placed in the same folder as the root directory
the existing package must be perfect world angelica file packages v2008 compatible

Create XUP Patch for sPatch
This is a special renaming and compressing option added to create XUP patches for sPatch.

fwPCK.exe -cp "ec_patch"
-cp is the switch for creating a 7z compressed patch with base64 naming of pck.files
ec_patch is the root directory containing the element folder

Size before extraction :
Yeikel - fwPCK basic usage - RaGEZONE Forums

Size after extraction :

RLHNPTG - fwPCK basic usage - RaGEZONE Forums

Compression : 33.275%

Download :

or Attached :lol: :lol:

Client used

Credits & source :


oh,I try it, but this tool cann't extract the "models.pck" file
You need to make a txt file with the following code:

copy /B models.pck +models.pkx tempmodels.pck

save it as merge_models.bat

place the file in the folder and run it.

then you can either change the original extract file or make a new extract_tempmodels.bat

and place the following code in it:

fwPCK.exe -x tempmodels.pck

then run it. You will have folder of tempmodels.pck.files

You will then need to change the pack.bat file......

Change the line that says:

fwPCK.exe -c models.pck.files


fwPCK.exe -c tempmodels.pck.files
You need to make a txt file with the following code:

copy /B models.pck +models.pkx tempmodels.pck

save it as merge_models.bat

place the file in the folder and run it.

then you can either change the original extract file or make a new extract_tempmodels.bat

and place the following code in it:

fwPCK.exe -x tempmodels.pck

then run it. You will have folder of tempmodels.pck.files

You will then need to change the pack.bat file......

Change the line that says:

fwPCK.exe -c models.pck.files


fwPCK.exe -c tempmodels.pck.files
this method is effective,but,the models.pck is to big for combining,this operation waste lots of time