Gama (Src + Resource + Database + Web)

Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
Another free release being sold by multiple people and now it's here to stay.

#define __NEUZ_TITLE 
#if defined (__NEUZ_TITLE)
#define __NEUZ_TITLE_STR		"Gama Sea-Flyff"

#define __REV 5
#define __COUNTRY_ICON


* __SWITCH_EQUIP //  ~ okay
* __GM_LISTING // ~ okay
* __WBQT_DROPLIST // ~ okay
* __WBQT_PETFILTER // ~ okay
* __WINDOWS_EVEIL // ~ okay
* __ORIGIN_CARD_SYSTEM // ~ okay
* __MASTERIES // ~ okay
* __NEW_DROP // ~ okay
* __SYS_ACHIEVEMENT // ~ okay

#define	__PMA_BOSS_EXT
#define	__PMA_FIX_ATKMSG
#define	__PMA_LOTTERY
#define __PMA_OPT_1
#define __PMA_OPT_2 // ctrlLink
#define __PMA_OPT_3
#define	__PMA_TEST_COL
#define __SYS_MOUNT

//#define	__PMA_CLOAK_ANI
//#define	__PMA_CHS_UNDYING

#if __REV >= 5	
#define __CHECKLOAD 								// Requires V18 Ticket stuff currently.
#define __CHANNELSWITCHER 						// Requires V18 Ticket stuff.
#define __V18TICKETAPP 							// Just the basic applet
#define __V18TICKET 								// Premium license and new loader + files.
#define __BULK3232018								//
//#define __CLOSETODEATHINDICATOR                   //
//#define __DISHADER                                //


#if __REV >= 4	
#define __TIMER
#define __SWITCH_EQUIP								//[ADD] Equipment Switch
#define __BUY_BACK									//[ADD] Buy Back
#define __QUICK_SELL								//[ADD] Fast sell blue item
#define __LAYERS_HEAVEN_TOWER						//[ADD] Layers for heaven tower
#define __EXCHANGE_GUILDE_MEUBLE					//[ADD] Exchange wood for guild house
#define __AUTH_SHOUT								//[MODIFICATION] Auth shout staff
#define __GETSPEED_LIMITS							//[MODIFICATION] Max speed (250%)
#define __PENYAS_ALLPARTY							//[MODIFICATION] Party Penyas

//#define __ANARCHY_SYSTEM

#if __REV >= 3
#define __FASHION_COMBINE							//[ADD] Fashion combine
#define __TRANSFER_AWAKE							//[ADD] Transfer awake
#define __SKILL_150_SYLPHIDE						//[ADD] Skill for sylphide : mine explosive
#define __SKILL_150_SPADASSIN						//[ADD] Skill for blade : lames spectrales
#define __SKILL_150_PRIMAT							//[ADD] Skill for primat : jugement celeste
#define __STACKABLE_POWERUPS						//[ADD] Stack consumables
#define	__ILLIMITED_PARTY_SKILL						//[ADD] Illimited party skill
#define	__REPEATITEMS								//[ADD] Stack consumable
#define	__ONELINEAWAKESCROLL						//[ADD] Scroll for awake
#define __COMPETENCES_DST_UP						//[ADD] New DST
#define __SKILL_MOVER_DMG							//[ADD] Skill monster with a new drop system
#define __INVENTORY_MENU							//[ADD] Inventory Menu
#define __REMOVE_MAIL								//[ADD] More option for mail
#define	__PARTYLIST_MESSENGER						//[ADD] Tab group in friend list
#define __GUILD_COLOR	 							//[ADD] Guild Color
#define __SCROLL_OF_UNBIND							//[ADD] Unbind scroll
#define __EVEIL_SUPPLEMENTAIRE						//[ADD] Scroll make more line for awake
#define __TICKETS_DETAILS							//[ADD] Number of player in the ticket
#define __GM_LISTING								//[ADD] MJ list in APP
#define __NPC_BUFF_CLASS							//[ADD] Pang with skill buff class
#define __WIKIPEDIA_MONSTER							//[ADD] Wiki monster
#define __DROP_GOLD									//[ADD] Drop penyas in resource files
#define __MAC_BAN									//[ADD] HwIds Ban 
#define __ADD_INFO_CHARACTER						//[ADD] More stat in APP on touch "H"
#define __SCROLL_SAVE_BLESSING						//[ADD] Transfer awake for fashion
#define __ITEM_CONVERTER							//[ADD] Buy items in inventory
#define __DIAMANT_SERTISSAGE_BONUS					//[ADD] New diamond
#define __RUNES_BONUS_FASHION						//[ADD] New bonus increment on fashion with a runes
#define __UPGRADE_SUCCESS							//[ADD] Fail stack upgrade
#define __ONLINE_BONUS								//[ADD] Online buff server
#define __VIP										//[ADD] ViP
#define __GAMA_POINTS								//[ADD] Cash Shop point can exchange In Game
#define __MORCEAU_ARME								//[ADD] Pieces of weapons
#define __WINDOW_BUTTON								//[ADD] Window reduction buttons

#define __BLOCK_DAMAGE								//[MODIFICATION] Amount of damage received / inflicted PvE of blocked hits as well as block rate
#define __MODEL_NPC_VIEW							//[MODIFICATION] 3D Model animated in NPC Menu
#define	__MESSENGER_CTRL_EXTENTED					//[MODIFICATION] Revising the list of friends
#define __MAX_SPEED									//[MODIFICATION] Max speed 250%
#define __MODIF_GS_TIME								//[MODIFICATION] Changes to the Guild Siege

#define __STAT_SYNC									//[FIX] Updating statistics for nearby players // PMA TODO :: Network Nuke
#define __ARROW_FIX									//[FIX] Impact of arrows on monsters
#define __SLOW_WALK_FIX								//[FIX] Fixed bugs positions with the walk key ("W")
#define __AWAKE_ENC									//[FIX] Encrypted Awake
#define __PET_TIMER									//[FIX] Activation time of the pet
#define __MOVE_WINDOW								//[FIX] Prevents the freeze window by moving it
#define __HIDE_FASHION_FIX							//[FIX] Fix for Hide Fashion head

#define __DAILY_QUEST								//[ADD] Daily quest
//#define __WEEKLY_QUEST							//[ADD] Weekly quest
//#define __VENDOR_UPDATE							//[ADD] Boutique, vente par objet
//#define __CASH_SHOP_IG            				//[ADD] Boutique CS accessible en jeu
//#define __MODIF_BUFF_PARTY						//[MODIFICATION] Buff & heal of zones without being grouped
//#define __POSI_SYNC								//[FIX] Position fix
//#define __GHOST_ATK_FIX							//[FIX] Monsters that do not appear by tapping a player
//#define __GHOST_ATK_FIX_NEW						//[FIX] Monsters that do not appear by tapping a player
//#define __DEST_FIX								//[FIX] Synchronization of the player's destination
//#define __STUN_FIX								//[FIX] Correction of "freeze & stun" in Guild Siege
//#define __PACKET_LOG								//[FIX] Packets logs

#if __REV >= 2
#ifdef __CLIENT										// // // // // // // //|||
#define __AES										// // // // // // // //|||//NOT USE FOR SELL.
#ifndef __AES										// // // // // // // //|||//NOT USE FOR SELL.
#endif											// // // // // // // //|||//NOT USE FOR SELL.
#define __CLIENT_SERVER_ENCRYPTION					// // // // // // // //|||
#endif												// // // // // // // //|||

#define __WBQT_DROPLIST								//[ADD] Drop list & modified drops view
#define __WBQT_PETFILTER							//[ADD] Filter for the pet with white list and blacklist
#define __WBQT_EXT_CURRENCY							//[ADD] Perin & Red Chips in inventory
#define __WBQT_TAMER_MISTAKE						//[ADD] Renaissance / Miracle via NPC
#define __WINDOWS_EVEIL								//[ADD] Awake via NPC
#define __APP_TELEPORTER							//[ADD] Teleporter
#define __DUNGEON_EXTENDED							//[ADD] Solo & Guild dungeons
#define __AUTO_MAX_SKILL							//[ADD] Auto max skill
#define	__MODEL_VIEW								//[ADD] Model viewer
#define __WBQT_GUILD_BUFFS							//[ADD] Guild buff
#define __HEALING_AFFICHAGE 						//[ADD] Heal show effect (green for :: ActiveMover & purple for others)
#define __BOX_LEVEL_REQ 							//[ADD] Allows you to set a minimum level necessary for opening GiftBoxes
#define __SAVE_FIX									//[ADD] Create additional save points for the player
#define __DST_STATS_PERCENTS 						//[ADD] strength, dexterity, endurance and intelligence in percentages
#define __DST_BOSS_DEGATS_RESIST 					//[ADD] New DST damage and boss resistance
#define __DST_CHANCEDROP_GOLD 						//[ADD] New DST drop & penyas in percentages
#define __DST_HEAL_PERCENT	 						//[ADD] New DST heal in percentages
#define __RES_1920x1080								//[ADD] New resolution
#define __MAP_V19									//[ADD] V19 Map
#define	__ADDSHOPITEM								//[ADD] ADD Shop item
#define	__HOTKEY									//[ADD] Change of touch
#define __ALIASING									//[ADD] Anti Aliasing
#define __NEWS_UPGRADE_MATERIALS					//[ADD] New upgrades materials				
#define __NEW_DROP									//[ADD] New drop system
#define __MODE_NOSTALGIE							//[ADD] Command for low rate exp
#define	__FASTJOBCHANGE								//[ADD] Fast job change
#define __DST_COOLTIME_DUNGEON						//[ADD] New DST reduction of instance CoolDown
#define __AFFICHAGE_FASHIONS						//[ADD] Hide fashions

#define __NO_ARROW									//[MODIFICATION] No need for arrow, mantra & conjuration
#define __NO_PARCHO									//[MODIFICATION] No need scroll of shout & scroll for illimited party skill
#define __NO_PET_LIFE								//[MODIFICATION] Pet life disabled
#define __PET_EXP									//[MODIFICATION] Exp from pets / eggs by hitting mobs
#define __PENYAS_INVENTORY_LOOT						//[MODIFICATION] Penyas dropped on mobs go directly into the inventory
#define __GUILD_JOIN_NOTIME 						//[MODIFICATION] No cooldown for join guild
#define __NO_AWAKE 									//[MODIFICATION] It is no longer possible to awake the collectors
#define __NEW_WEAPON_GLOW						 	//[MODIFICATION] Glow v17 on weapons
#define __NEW_STACKABLE_AMPS						//[MODIFICATION] New stackable AMPS (5)

#define __MINIMAP_RECTANGLE 						//[FIX] Fix attraction skill
#define __USER_NOT_IN_GW_FIX 						//[FIX] Disables teleportation during Guild Siege phases if the player is not on the map
#define __GW_NO_TICKETS 							//[FIX] Disables teleporting by ticket when the player is in the Guild Siege
#define __REVIVAL_FIX 								//[FIX] The resurrection window can no longer appear if the player is not dead
#define __PARTYSKILL_REFRESH 						//[FIX] When the player enters a group, the started group skills are refreshed
#define	__YS_CHATTING_BLOCKING_SYSTEM				//[FIX] Commands /ignore
#define	__GW_NOTICKETS								//[FIX] Unusable tickets in gs
#define	__CHECKS_CHARS								//[FIX] Character verification via DB
#define	__SAVE_PLAYER_OUT							//[FIX] Commands /outall

#define __FIX_TELEPORT								//[CHEAT] Changing applets from the SendTeleportPlayer () and SendSummonPlayer () functions to __REPLACE () to prevent teleportation via third-party software
#define __SECURITY_FIXES							//[CHEAT] Various fix duplication and crashes
#define __TEXT_MENU									//[FONCTION] Texts on the menu via AddMenu2 (MMI_ "text")	

#define 	__CHARACTER_INJECTION					//[SECURITY] Character sql injection
#define 	__GUILD_INJECTION						//[SECURITY] Injection sql guild
#define		__MAX_CHAR_PLAYER						//[SECURITY] Max letters in the name
#define		__FIX_DUPLI_4PERSONNAGES				//[SECURITY] Fix the duplication of the 4th slot
#define		__ADMIN_AUTH							//[SECURITY] Admin Auth Fix
#define 	__ATTACK_SPEED							//[SECURITY] Attack Speed Fix
#define 	__SPEEDHACK_FIX							//[SECURITY] Speed hack fix
#define		__RANGE_FIX								//[SECURITY] Range hack fix
#define 	__INCLINATION_FIX						//[SECURITY] Inclination Fix
#define 	__JUMP_FIX								//[SECURITY] Jump Fix
#define 	__MAPNAME_CHANGE_FIX					//[SECURITY] Map name change
#define 	__FIX_DUPLI								//[SECURITY] Fix duplication
#define 	__FIX_DUPLI_PENYAS						//[SECURITY] duplication penya with cost
#define 	__FIX_GW_NOTNAME						//[SECURITY] Guild have not name for GW
#define 	__FIX_PLAYER_INVISIBLE					//[SECURITY] Player can use invible mode
#define		__FIX_PERLE_RAMASSEUR					//[SECURITY] Fix pets
#define 	__TRANSY_FIX							//[SECURITY] Fix transy system
#define		__FIX_RESTATE							//[SECURITY] Fix restats
#define		__FIX_CE_METTRE_EN_ADMIN				//[SECURITY] Fix the possibility of this put in admin
#define		__FIX_CHEACK_TAX_DISPLAY				//[SECURITY] Fix taxes
#define		__FIX_SEX_NPC 							//[SECURITY] Fix sex of NPC
#define		__NO_DROP_CRASH							//[SECURITY] Crashes during drops
#define		__HACK_0516								//[SECURITY] prevents corruption of server files

//#define	__RANDOM_BOX							//[ADD] 
//#define	__SHPV_SECURITY 						//[FIX] 
//#define __FIX_SKILL_RESET							//[FIX] 

#if __REV >= 1
#define __AFK_VENDOR							//[ADD] Offline vendor no bugg + database
#define __EMOTICON_CHAT 						//[ADD] Emoticon chat
#define	__ORIGIN_CARD_SYSTEM 					//[ADD] Card album
#define __DPSMETER								//[ADD] DPS Meter 
#define	__PARTYFINDER							//[ADD] Party finder
#if defined (__PARTYFINDER)						////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define	__PARTYFINDER_SKILLS_USE				//[ADD] Showing group skills in group search //
#endif											////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define __MASTERIES								//[ADD] Passive talents
#define	__WIKIPEDIA_ITEM						//[ADD] Wiki items
#define	__LOOKCHANGE							//[ADD] Model change
#define __PLAYER_RANKING						//[ADD] Ranking directly in game
#define __ICON_SYSTEM							//[ADD] Badge System 				// PMA TODO :: TOTAL MADNESS
#define __SYS_SANDBOX							//[ADD] Sand Box
#define __EATPET_STATS 							//[ADD] Ability to place bonuses on pets
#define __BOUTON_REDUIRE						//[ADD] Reduction button of the game window
#define __TAB_INVENTORY 						//[ADD] 168 slots inventory
#define __3RD_LEGEND16							//[ADD] 3th class
#define __MENU_NEWS_SYSTEM						//[ADD] Menu [System] Gama-Flyff
#define __ITEMLINK 								//[ADD] Item link

#define __NEW_SKILL_TREE 						//[MODIFICATION] Skill tree v16
#define	__IMPROVE_MAP_SYSTEM					//[MODIFICATION] Map v16 in touch "M"
#define __CHAR_CREATE_EDIT						//[MODIFICATION] New create character
#if defined (__CHAR_CREATE_EDIT)
#define __CHAR_CREATE_ME						//[MODIFICATION] Create character => Creating objects via inventory
#define __PET_DIST								//[MODIFICATION] The pet takes the loot of the object the least distant to the farthest from the players
#define __NEW_EXCHANGE_V19						//[MODIFICATION] ExchangeScript menu v19
#define __FUREUR_SKILL_ALL						//[MODIFICATION] Fury party skill for all
#define __NO_AFTER_SKIN 						//[MODIFICATION] Removing banners under the choice of the server
#define __REMOVE_MAX_RECOVER_RATE 				//[MODIFICATION] Removing the maximum HP limit for a consumable
//#define __NAMES_FONTS							//[MODIFICATION] New Writing style for movers' names

#define	__TERRAIN_MAX							//[DLC] MAX TERRAIN --> (6000)

#define __BS_FIX_ARRIVEPOS_ALGO					//[FIX] Fix position
#define __POSI_BUG_FIX							//[FIX] Fix position
#define __COLLISION_FIX_PLAYER					//[FIX] Collision of players with light obstacles 
#define __PET_FIX								//[FIX] No collission for pet
#define __CROSSBOW								//[FIX] Position of the crossbow
#define __PET_VERIFITEM							//[FIX] The pet will no longer attempt to pick up other objects than OT_ITEM
#define __FIX_TEXTUREBUG						//[FIX] Will no longer crash the client in case a bug texture or is missing
#define __MAP_NOTEXTURE							//[FIX] Will not cause any more problem in case the vector managing the .dds of the minimap is empty
#define __FIX_DARKILLUSION						//[FIX] Dark illusion will not disappear after being launched
#define __SECURITY_FIX_EMOTICON					//[FIX] Crash using emoticons
#define __EEL_BUG_FIX							//[FIX] Restat bug with consumable
#define __TICK_DOT_INT 							//[FIX] Damage over time from DWORD to INT to exceed 65535 damage per tick
#define __ATTRACTION_FIX_SKILL 					//[FIX] Attraction skill fix n*2
#define __FIX_BASILIK 							//[FIX] Increase in the number of maximum vertex on a model from 4096 to 4202
#define __CHAT_FIX								//[FIX] Way to crash with the window of say
#define __VIS_FIX								//[FIX] Not being able to remove the beads from the pet collectors as if they were piercings
#define __QUGET_SWAP_FIX						//[FIX] Can not exceed the maximum value of HP, MP & FP of the character
#define __USER_NOT_IN_ARENA_FIX					//[FIX] Menu to leave the arena
#define __ADD_FRIEND_FIX						//[FIX] Friends list

#define __FIX_ONEKILL							//[CHEAT] A character lower than the AUTH_GAMEMASTER rank can no longer oneshoot the monsters
#define __FIX_POS_CAMERA						//[CHEAT] It is no longer possible to move the camera closer or closer than the maximum allowed via third-party software
#define __FIX_RANGE_SKILL						//[CHEAT] It is no longer possible to launch skills at abnormal distances
#define __NPC_CHECK_EXCHANGE					//[CHEAT] Check if the ExchangeScript menu has not been modified by a player on the NPC
#define __GH_DUPE_FIX							//[CHEAT] Duplicating objects from the guild house
#define __LEVEL_BOT_FIX 						//[CHEAT] Impossibility to use the minimap in the creation of a Level Bot (deactivation of the targeting via minimap)

#define __ADDBUFF								//[FONCTION] DoAddBuff(DWORD dwSkill, int nLevel, int nTime, CCtrl *pTarget) => Allow to give a buff to a target
#define __TEXTURE_ICON_SCALE					//[FONCTION] RenderTexture3( int x, int y, CTexture* pTexture, DWORD dwBlendFactorAlhpa, FLOAT fScaleX , FLOAT fScaleY ) ==> Decrease the size of an icon

//#define __FIX_SPEED_BONUS						//[FIX] Max speed
//#define __FIX_DUMBLEJUMP						//[FIX] Jump several times in a row without touching the floor
#define __ORIGIN_NEW_ANNOUNCE					//
//#define __SYS_ACHIEVEMENT						//[ADD] Achievement system ! [THE BEST ONE]
//#if defined (__SYS_ACHIEVEMENT)						////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//#define	__PMA_OPT_ASHIZZLEMENT				//


0 support will be given by me as you guys never hit the thanks button and(or) say thanks in general.

Download: | Password: RageZone
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you for your selfless dedication!

Where is the game client?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 3, 2020
Reaction score
Visual Studio 2013 and dont forget to install mfc library
Junior Spellweaver
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
Successfully registered and successfully created a character, but you cannot enter the game world
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2019
Reaction score
Neuz.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Neuz.exe at 0023:00470BD8

- Registers

EAX=096AD3EC EBX=08AE0860 ECX=09AC8730 EDX=09AC8720 ESI=09EC8B3C
EDI=FFFFFFF0 EBP=096AD3C4 ESP=096AD3BC EIP=00470BD8 FLG=00010207
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
0023:00470BD8 Neuz.exe
0023:00518E2A Neuz.exe
0023:005235A9 Neuz.exe
0023:007A7059 Neuz.exe
0023:0095A1D8 Neuz.exe
0023:0095A27F Neuz.exe
0023:7553343D kernel32.dll
0023:77019812 ntdll.dll
0023:770197E5 ntdll.dll


When I run the client, the above error appears.
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
done. just wondering __SWITCH_EQUIP feature is still on bug about the accessories,fashions,mask and cloaks i can't equip those items :laugh:
Stop being so lazy and just add the needed conditionals lol.
Junior Spellweaver
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
Does this work properly? I register an account Create a role Where I have been stuck in the world, use SQL2014
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you very much for the advice sir, But im just a leecher and newbie about flyff developing haha! sorry about that i dunno where to start Haha! :*:

Your account is 4 years old and your still calling yourself a newbie? Stop being so and make an effort to learn what an conditional statement is.

Here ->

@ everyone one else if you having problems you'll need to figure them out yourself or among each other. Several crappy servers used/using these files. So it's safe to assume they work to a degree anything other then that is solely on you.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
Why I always can't enter the game world

Why I always can't enter the game world
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score

Here you are 5 years ago asking about source stuff but your not trying to be a dev though right? You sure are super entitled and expect the spoon with no effort.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 27, 2013
Reaction score

Well i did try this :

typedef void * POINTER_64, * PVOID64;

and it gave me 4 errors instead of 28.

error C2059: syntax error : ',' C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\winnt.h

I also still have this problem :
Error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'Buffer' C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\winnt.h

I also included windows.h in StdAfx.h but that gave me around 1000 errors.
Last edited:
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
#define POINTER_64 __ptr64

In StdAfx.h

Since your upgrading it take a look @ my V15 and and use it as a guide.