[GameGuard] Error 380 pls help

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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
Hello, i got problems with my server. well actually i tested it on my other 2 pc and it works fine, it connects and even get in game. but ppl are now having problem with GameGuard, they say it stucks at give them this error " fail to complete gameguard updating,check virus first or adjust settings of PC management if any"
Error number 380. I can't really figure out what's wrong because yeasterday it was working fine and i haven't touched nothing at NaviC sinces then.. :'( any one knows whats wrong?....

Thanks in advice.
u probably got 2 rose games .. u gota uninstall one using the file uninstall not manuly doing it once u uninstall the extra it will be ok
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