Gameserver is not working how to fixed? please help!!!

Initiate Mage
Sep 2, 2017
Reaction score
Gs: no process found How to fixed it ? Who is Skillful helping me please..........:*::*::*::*::*:

== STARTING Forsaken World Server ==
Sat Sep 2 16:44:25 ICT 2017
info : program started with 6 threads.
=== DONE! ===

info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

=== AUTH ===
=== DONE! ====

== GAMEDBD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : Begin import clsconfig ...
info : Import 25 roles from ./clsconfig.
info : InitGameDB, Role delete time is 60.
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=1, gender=0, roleid=16
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=1, gender=1, roleid=17
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=3, gender=0, roleid=18
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=3, gender=1, roleid=19
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=5, gender=0, roleid=20
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=5, gender=1, roleid=21
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=6, gender=0, roleid=22
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=6, gender=1, roleid=23
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=1, gender=0, roleid=32
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=1, gender=1, roleid=33
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=6, gender=0, roleid=34
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=6, gender=1, roleid=35
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=8, gender=0, roleid=36
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=8, gender=1, roleid=37
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=4, gender=0, roleid=38
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=4, gender=1, roleid=39
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=2, gender=0, roleid=48
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=3, gender=0, roleid=49
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=3, gender=1, roleid=50
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=5, gender=0, roleid=51
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=5, gender=1, roleid=52
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=7, gender=0, roleid=53
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=7, gender=1, roleid=54
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=3, gender=0, roleid=64
TRACE : GameDBManager::SaveClsDetail occupation=6, gender=1, roleid=65
TRACE : ReadDBConfig init_time 1504297907 open_time 0 is_central_db 0
info : Init GameDB successfully.
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

=== BACKDBD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

=== GACD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

=== GQUERYD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

TRACE : gdeliveryd::Max player allowed is 15000
Cannot load common data automation crontab. check file commondataauto.txt.
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
TRACE : UserIdentityCache cache time 180
info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=8.
TRACE : unamed::OnAddSession: sid=7
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : gdelivery::connect to gauthd successfully.
info : logclient: OnAddSession
err : gdelivery:: connect QueryServer failed
TRACE : TopIncOnline:ClearTopIncTRACE : KingdomManager.DailyProcess.zero_clock=1504285200
TRACE : AuctionMarket::OnDBConnect. init_market=0,sid=13
TRACE : KingdomWarManager:OnDBConnect:connect !!! sid=13
TRACE : DS::TouchPointManager::OnDBConnect
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect gacd successfully!
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : OnAddSessionTRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=1.
TRACE : TRACE : DBGetCommonData, size=1, handle=0
TRACE : DBKingdomBaseLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBKingdomDaily. zero_clock = 1504285200
TRACE : DBNewBieLoad.
TRACE : DBKingdomDaily, process number = 0
DBStockLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBAuctionLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DB:BLoadTPOrder, handle.size()=0
TRACE : DBRenamedRoleLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DB:BLoadTPOrder, size=0, handle=0
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : DBCommonDataLoad: retcode=0, size=1, handle=0
TRACE : DBKingdomBaseLoad: retcode=0, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBNewBieLoad. retcode=0, number=0
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=1, retcode=0
TRACE : DBStockLoad: retcode=0, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBAuctionLoad. res->items.size()=0,res->handle.size()=0,retcode=0
TRACE : DS:BLoadTPOrder: retcode=0, datas.size()=0, handle.size()=0
TRACE : DS::TouchPointManager::OnLoad, datas.size()=0
TRACE : DS::TouchPointManager::OnLoadComplete
TRACE : DBRenamedRoleLoad. roles.size()=0,handle.size()=0,retcode=0
TRACE : receive CertAnswer from au ok,zoneid=1,aid=19
TRACE : send CertKey to au ok,zoneid=1,aid=19
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=2.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=2, retcode=0
info : =====end CertVerify:receive CertFinish from au,aid=19,zoneid=1,sid=9
info : send AnnounceZoneid3 to au ok,aid=19,zoneid=1
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=3.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=3, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=4.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=4, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=5.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=5, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=6.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=6, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=7.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=7, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=10.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=10, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=11.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=11, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=12.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=12, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=13.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=13, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=14.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=14, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=15.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=15, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=16.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=16, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=17.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=17, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=18.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=18, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=19.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=19, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=20.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=20, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=21.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=21, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=22.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=22, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=23.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=23, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=24.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=24, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=25.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=25, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=26.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=26, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=27.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=27, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=28.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=28, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=29.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=29, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=30.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=30, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=31.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=31, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=32.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=32, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=33.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=33, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=34.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=34, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=35.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=35, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=36.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=36, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=37.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=37, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=38.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=38, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=39.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=39, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=40.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=40, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=41.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=41, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=42.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=42, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=43.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=43, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=44.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=44, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=45.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=45, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=46.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=46, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=47.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=47, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=48.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=48, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=49.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=49, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=50.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=50, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=51.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=51, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=52.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=52, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=53.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=53, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=54.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=54, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=55.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=55, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=56.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=56, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=57.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=57, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=58.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=58, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=59.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=59, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=60.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=60, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=61.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=61, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=62.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=62, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=63.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=63, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=64.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=64, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=65.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=65, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=66.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=66, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=67.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=67, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=68.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=68, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=69.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=69, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=70.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=70, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=71.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=71, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=72.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=72, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=73.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=73, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=81.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=81, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=82.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=82, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=83.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=83, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=84.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=84, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=90.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=90, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=91.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=91, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=92.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=92,retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=93.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=93, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=94.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=94,retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=95.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=95, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=96.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=96, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=97.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=97, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=98.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=98, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=99.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=99, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=100.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=100, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=101.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=101, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=102.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=102, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=103.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=103, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=104.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=104, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=105.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=105, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=106.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=106, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=107.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=107, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=108.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=108, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=109.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=109, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=110.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=110, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=111.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=111, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=112.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=112,retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=113.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received,tableid=113,retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=114.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=114, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=115.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=115, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=116.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=116, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=117.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=117, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=118.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=118, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=119.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=119, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=120.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received,tableid=120,retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=121.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=121, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=122.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=122, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=123.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=123, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=124.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received,tableid=124,retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=200.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=200, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=201.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=201, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=202.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=202, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=203.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=203, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=204.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=204, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=205.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=205, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=206.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=206, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=207.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=207, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=208.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=208, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=209.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=209, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=210.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=210, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=211.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=211, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=212.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=212, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=213.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=213, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=214.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=214, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=215.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=215, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=216.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=216, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=217.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=217, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=218.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=218, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=219.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=219, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=220.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=220, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=221.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=221, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=222.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=222, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=223.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=223, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=224.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=224, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=225.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=225, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=226.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=226, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=227.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=227, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=228.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=228, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=229.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=229, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=230.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=230, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=231.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=231, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=232.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=232, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=233.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=233, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=234.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=234, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=235.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=235, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=236.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=236, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=237.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=237, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=238.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=238, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=239.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=239, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=240.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=240, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=241.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=241, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=242.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=242, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=243.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=243, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=244.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=244, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=245.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=245, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=246.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=246, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=247.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=247, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=248.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=248, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=249.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=249, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=250.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=250, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=251.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=251, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=252.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=252, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=253.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=253, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=254.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=254, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=255.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=255, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=256.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=256, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=257.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=257, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=258.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=258, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=259.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=259, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=260.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=260, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=261.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=261, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=262.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=262, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=263.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=263, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=300.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=300, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=301.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=301, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=302.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=302, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=310.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=310, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=311.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=311, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=312.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=312, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=315.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=315, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=320.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=320, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=321.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=321, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=322.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=322, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=323.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=323, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=324.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=324, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=325.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=325, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=326.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=326, retcode=0
TRACE : DBGetTopTable, tableid=327.
TRACE : dbgettoptable: received, tableid=327, retcode=0
TRACE : TopManager:TopTable Ready!
TRACE : StockStatus::uptime=0,trade_price=0,order_volume=0,trade_volume=0,trade_amount=0,idpool=2
TRACE : BitVec Resize=48895
TRACE : gqueryd:kingdom_base_open_pray_value=2000000, kwar_open_pray_value=3500000
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20406
TRACE : gqueryd:award tmpl loading:id=20407
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20418
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20419
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20420
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20421
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20428
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20440
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20441
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20442
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20443
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20444
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20445
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20446
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20447
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20448
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20449
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20450
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20451
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20452
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20453
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20454
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20455
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20456
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20457
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20458
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20459
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20460
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20461
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20462
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20463
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20464
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20465
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20466
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20467
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20468
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20469
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20470
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20471
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20472
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20473
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20474
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20475
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20476
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20477
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20478
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20479
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20480
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20481
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20482
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20483
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20484
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20485
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20486
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20487
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20488
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20489
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20490
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20491
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=20492
TRACE : gqueryd:era tmpl loading:id=20565
TRACE : era: 0 0 500000
TRACE : era: 1 500000 2000000
TRACE : era: 2 2000000 3500000
TRACE : era: 3 3500000 5000000
TRACE : era: 4 5000000 6500000
TRACE : era: 5 6500000 8500000
TRACE : era: 6 8500000 11000000
TRACE : era: 7 11000000 14000000
TRACE : era: 8 14000000 21000000
TRACE : era: 9 21000000 22000000
TRACE : era: 10 22000000 23000000
TRACE : era: 11 23000000 24000000
TRACE : era: 12 24000000 25000000
TRACE : era: 13 25000000 26000000
TRACE : era: 14 26000000 27000000
TRACE : gqueryd:award tmpl loading:id=20583
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22290
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22291
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22292
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22293
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22294
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22295
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22296
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22297
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22298
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22299
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22300
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22301
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22302
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22303
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22304
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22305
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22306
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22307
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22308
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22309
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22310
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22311
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22312
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22313
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22314
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22315
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22316
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22317
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22318
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22319
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22320
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22591
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22592
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22593
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22608
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22609
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22610
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22611
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22612
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22613
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22890
TRACE : gqueryd:star tmpl loading:id=22891
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
err : Connect from deliveryserver sid=7
TRACE : tmpl data load: star_tmpl_count=96, era_tmpl_count=1
err : Query Server Connected!!!
TRACE : AuctionMarket::OnQueryConnect.sid=21
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : gquerykwarregister:star_tpls_size=94:award_tpls_size=2
TRACE : KingdomWarManager:InitKWarTplDatapen=0:tpl_init=1:db_load=0:clear_db=0
err : kwarray_val not reach:cur_val=0:require_val=3500000
TRACE : dbkwarload:retcode=0:stars'size=0:fields'size=0:choice'size=0:kids'size=0:weaken_fv'size=0TRACE : KingdomWarManager:OnKWarDBLoadpen=0:tpl_init=1:db_load=1:clear_db=0:st=5
TRACE : KingdomWarManager::_OnKWarInitField:fields'size=0:status=5
=== DONE! ===

=== GLINKD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
TRACE : ConfigLink_Re. linksid=22:version=0
TRACE : ConfigLink_Re. linksid=23:version=1301
err : link version invalid, sid=23:cur=0:version=1301
TRACE : ConfigLink_Re. linksid=24:version=1301
TRACE : ConfigLink_Re. linksid=25:version=1301
=== DONE! ===

=== Realm #1 ===
=== DONE! ===
=== Jakarta / Iweb ===
=== DONE! ===

info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=9.
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : TouchPointManager::Update:current orders.size()=0, delay_order_count=0
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
err : Disconnect from linkserver sid=22, drop 0 users
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
err : Disconnect from linkserver sid=25, drop 0 users
err : Disconnect from linkserver sid=24, drop 0 users
err : Disconnect from linkserver sid=23, drop 0 users
Sleeping 60 seconds...
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: disconnect from GACD!
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
err : Disconnect from deliveryserver sid=7
TRACE : unamed::OnDelSession: sid=7
info : TcpManager OnDelSession
info : logclienttcp: OnDelSession
Killing the last UniqueName daemon...
Kill server complete


load key successfully!encrypt with public:49e475d243cd9cf520745f5dda340b87a68f40b1b14dfe136bc2ebf8ae7cedb138a6bb42131de563a520cee8a078d0fd75926e99a92b4646f142d2d2876d6745a7fc656932039888b6d909ab9de877207aa9c3cc3e4338ab65ce137b91329722030fb51e031c94c9ae0bdc9b01ace0f55b3af5a7b782ab3af2b51fcf2f81714ddecrypt with private:d480fa524d83b8e6encrypt with private:02c1ab9cd33a19185fcc4f5fe34074af5dd1550259f14bd774c22cc1bd5ad1f7dddccad9a12ef6ba517bd19006496fa0f13f55f7ff4fa5cf8b39a772c15ddfd9f0ccc7da42a9ae331575db851232060a7dfefda25256c1084731ab048a6127846a1fa1d9c5ae988d55f2602314e7e083184b75eecea3eee0f53489991a25b84ddecrypt with public:d480fa524d83b8e6authd:: add PollIO task.gauthd: 02 Sep 2017 16:44:31,057 INFO GAuthServer:69 - authd:: add PollIO task.gauthd: 02 Sep 2017 16:45:00,625 INFO GAuthServer:? - GAuthServer::OnAddSession com.goldhuman.IO.Protocol.Session@1041cf19gauthd: 02 Sep 2017 16:45:01,117 INFO GAuthServer:? - CertRequest: return authd_cert local.gauthd: 02 Sep 2017 16:45:01,127 INFO GAuthServ

GAuthServer:? - CertKey: d_key1_encrypt=02e4a7b11f1df38aaf001fda2dbf7768801a3fb8632ae3264c6672be5da07c067f10b45812b7fd45600cf38e12c127d38368bed23712e44f317a6c9b3e02ff0e6bfa9383cdf0bcb03264646aa009298f5d0d621f9a8cb672eec38e565b08640d0088fa3e2749009d27721120018163333e9eb3b1d5eafa439294ba93653ce90a,d_key2_encrpyt=4bd927aac79022b7606071b5a13db89ba2ce8f9dd48e54078d4a9cf5acf5fd3125452e217f558bc03c5616d19cf564148ee83cfd8eebc853ba07fad46488c77afceee550bacd4215478f1d73b6891797bb4a4518046ba5c4c77c655fd91f24ecc026267598a6a47bca13fd829aeaff86eb66695dfdcf1f127b00df5d30a7718a,d_key1=a7004ce950bf178f,d_key2=4d8a823c568f07c5gauthd: 02 Sep 2017 16:45:01,129 INFO GAuthServer:? - AnnounceZoneid3, aid=19,zoneid=1,ip1=,ip2=,ip3= 02 Sep 2017 16:49:07,201 INFO GAuthServer:? - GAuthServer::OnDelSession com.goldhuman.IO.Protocol.Session@1041cf19zoneid=1, aid=19


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Experienced Elementalist
Nov 1, 2015
Reaction score
What was the last thing you changed before it stopped working?
Upvote 0
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 1, 2015
Reaction score
Upvote 0