GamingTown.Net Gaming Network ShutDown!

Infinity/Divinity Dev
Jun 7, 2004
Reaction score
Today angelnetwork apprently went down I have lost evrything I own. bassicly they owned like 70k or somthign and whole angel network was shut down it's big crazy story but now I lost all my cash was prepaid too ffs im pissed but wanted let most fans that played my, mu, hb, wow, l2, daoc, are down l2 and mu maybe able connect as was running diffrent network.
savageFromHell said:
thats suck
i know no notice cant backup and i had bsackups but with same isp i mean when you think a fing isp would ever go down i mean makes me cry not just me but others 1000's others out there too
I found new provider wow there nice I'm all happy again :D