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Genmonster problem

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys and guls,
i created a new mob and all files r in place, except for the spawn line wich is crashing my mainserver when i run it:bomb:.(i am positif it's this line cuz when i run mainserver without it, it don't crash). so plz if anyone has an idea what's wrong with it tell me.
thanks for ur help :sweatdrop

(genmonster (index 500) (map 0) (area 2300) (max 1) (cycle 1) (rect 8603 8421 8625 8454))
with crashes i mean that the mainserver load the data as normal, no red errors, everything is as usual, then after he finishes loading, 2 seconds and the window dissapears. I am sur i don't have another 2300. maybe the monster's stats r wrong. Here they are:

(monster (name 500) (index 500) (country 0) (race 1) (level 92) (ai 3) (range 40) (sight 360 360) (exp 40000000) (itemgroup 122 2) (str 300) (hth 300) (int 76) (wis 60) (dex 100) (hp 10000000) (mp 1000) (aspeed 1850) (hit 180) (dodge 40) (attack 0 1500 2000) (magic 0 0) (defense 230 203) (absorb 35) (mspeed 1600 500) (resist 52 52 52 52 52)
(quest ))

this monster is based on the second commander.

( monsterinfo ( key 500) ( bone 21 ) (level 92) ( scale 1.5 5) ( motion "BBBBBBBBBB" ) (mspeed 1600 500) (attheight 19))

Thanks for your answers mates
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