I'm having some trouble with this gfx card.
When i first put it in my PC it seemed like it was working fine, however...
Whilst playing my games my screen would go black as if it turns off, then back on.
Sometimes it turns of and i cant get it back to work ...
Its not overheated since i checked the temp. on it.
Could this be related to my power supply? cause if i use this card and run something off my CD-rom i get low voltage warning for my GFX card.
I'm posting this here since im not familiar with PC and their hardware in the hopes of getting some helpful answers.
Thanks in advance~
When i first put it in my PC it seemed like it was working fine, however...
Whilst playing my games my screen would go black as if it turns off, then back on.
Sometimes it turns of and i cant get it back to work ...
Its not overheated since i checked the temp. on it.
Could this be related to my power supply? cause if i use this card and run something off my CD-rom i get low voltage warning for my GFX card.
I'm posting this here since im not familiar with PC and their hardware in the hopes of getting some helpful answers.
Thanks in advance~