Global Warming effect on hair

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
New York
not shure if this is right section but anyway, acording to this 27B Stroke 6 - Wired News global warming has a an effect on the brain, can someone prove to me that it has an affect on hair , specificaly to make rise up :vegeta:
(becouse my teacher is stupid and i want to make him fell even stupider when i give his some equations he wount understand)

Ps i would appreciate if someone wouild give a real looking equation or something that global warming has an effect on hair.
not shure if this is right section but anyway, acording to this 27B Stroke 6 - Wired News global warming has a an effect on the brain, can someone prove to me that it has an affect on hair , specificaly to make rise up :vegeta:
(becouse my teacher is stupid and i want to make him fell even stupider when i give his some equations he wount understand)

Ps i would appreciate if someone wouild give a real looking equation or something that global warming has an effect on hair.

e^T+K/12(x+5)-equation for damaged hair

Global Warming- Global warming

what do you get when added together?

e^T+K/12(x+5)+global warming= damaged hair due to global warming?
